Olympia and Otto

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Me: "Olympia and Otto! You guys are next!"

Olympia: -she squealed- "I'm gonna be in a closet with Otto for seven minutes! There's so many questions I have prepared to ask, let me just get  the paper where I wrote them all down," -she opens hee drawer and takes out a really long scroll of questions- 

Otto: -he couldn't help but to chuckle nervously from seeing how long the scroll was- "Oh how great," -he said clenching his teeth and glaring at me- 

Me: -smirks knowing about his crush on her- "You could always shut her up, ya know!" -I say puckering up my lips, which causes Otto to blush- 

Olympia: -she happily skips to the closet and walks inside while Otto followed behind- 

Otto: -faces her once the door was closed and had a nervous smile on his face from seeing how focused Olympia was in picking the first question to ask- 

Olympia: -she looked at the long scroll and tired to find the best first question but she just ended up asking all of them quickly- "How was it like being an agent here for the first time? Was Olive a good partner? I mean of course she said to be a good partner, no, even better she might have a great partner! How did you feel when you heard that you were gonna be a Mr.O? Did you really think that you were gonna have to marry Olive? I mean, we're kids! We're to young to marry, but I guess I can see why you would think that..." -she just kept talking really fast and she was starting to ramble- 

Otto: -he let out a sigh not understanding a single question that Olympia asked because she was talking really fast, and it kept being one question after another that he didn't get time to think of the answer, so he just tuned out her voice and place dis hands in his pockets, wondering when she'll finish talking-

Olympia: -she continued to ask many questions- "How is it like to be Mr.O? Is it like really different from being an agent? Do you and Olive fight at all? Do you like me back?" -she froze after asking that since she didn't mean too, it wasn't even on her scroll!-

Otto: -he had tuned out her voice but he thought he heard her ask "Do you like me back?" but he thought that it was just his mind playing tricks on him- "Wait....what was that last question?" -he asked wanting to make sure he heard her right- 

Olympia: -her face was starting to get really red- "Uh...what question? There's like a lot of questions that I asked that I can't possibly remember the last one I asked, I mean like you-" -she got cut off my Otto kissing her- 

Otto: -he didn't know what came over him but he just kissed her, immediately pulling back after he did so- "I'm sorry, I just don't think I've ever seen you not talk and all your rambling was starting to give me a headache and I thought you were gonna ramble again which gave me an even bigger headache and-" -he got cut off by Olympia-

Olympia: -she smiled widely at Otto- "Otto! Your rambling, like me," -she said he cheeks still a hit red-

Otto: "Oh..am I?" -he asked looking down at his shoes, he didn't know why but after he kissed her he just had this big smile on his face that just wouldn't go away, even if he wanted It to-

Olympia: -she nodded- "Yup! But it's alright, I guess now I know how everyone feels like when I ramble,"

Otto: "Hey Olympia?" -he asked looking up at her- 

Olympia: -she still looked at him- "Yeah?" -she asked back- 

Otto: "Did you ask me if I liked you back?" -he asked- 

Olympia: -her cheeks turned 50 shades of red- "Maybe...." -she said but then she sighed of defeat after getting a look from Otto- "Yes...I did...I understand if the answer is no.." -she said sighing softly- 

Otto: -he smiled at her placing his hand on her cheek- "Of course I like you back, silly. Why else would I have kissed you when I did?" 

Olympia: -she shoo her head slightly- "I don't know...you just really wanted me to stop rambling?" 

Otto: -he chuckled softly- "Well yes, but I also like you," 

Olympia: -she smiled widely- "I guess you answered my question, the only question I asked you actually," 

Otto: -he smiled at her as he leaned in and gently kissed her lips- 

Olympia: -she happily kissed him back, pulling away after a couple seconds- "Seven minutes are up, Otto," 

Otto: -he smiled weakly- "But I was having so much fun," -he whined playfully- 

Olympia: -she smiled ad she said- "Me to," -she watched the door to the closet open- 

Otto: -he gently took her hand as he walked out with her saying nothing- 

Me: -looks at them amused- "Did you get to ask everything you wanted to ask, Olympia? "

Olympia: -she nodded- "Yup! But I only got one of them answered and I'm okay with that," -she said looking at Otto and smiling-

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