Chapter One

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The peculiars reacting to their fan art in this chapter will be:

- Millard








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Fiona: Aww! 

Hugh: This is great, Fi *Plants a kiss on her cheek*

Emma: The picture looks just like you, Fiona

Hugh: I like it a lot

Enoch: Why does it look like Hugh is going to bite the bee's head off?

Hugh: Oh my gosh *Looks closer at the picture*

Millard: All right... let's stop there

Enoch: Why am I so pale?

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Enoch: Why am I so pale?

Millard: You look ill

Emma: I mean, you are kind of pale, Enoch

Enoch: Sure. Also, why am I carrying around a jar of blood? It's not like I'm giving blood to my homunculi

Emma: Oh *Looks closer at the jar*

Enoch: And it looks like I scratched my name on the wall behind me in blood

Millard: I think we better stop there

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Jacob: Wow! That's amazing!

Hugh: How come your fan art is better than mine

Emma: I don't know... maybe I'm more liked in the fandom *flips her hair*

Hugh: Uh-huh. Sure

Emma: Only one thing. My hair is not that long

Enoch: Yeah. Also, it looks like your dress is going to fly up all the way. So... 

Emma: Enoch! 

Millard: Alright. Time to stop

Millard: Oh my Bird

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Millard: Oh my Bird

Jacob: What the...

Enoch: You know, I see it, Jake! You're super gay, so... 

Jacob: Says you! 

Enoch: *Blushes and walks away*

Emma: I don't even want to know who drew this *Unconcously lights a flame*

Millard: Alright, yeah, this is weird, time to move on

Fiona: Another great one of us!

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Fiona: Another great one of us!

Enoch: And Hugh's not biting off a bee's head in this one, so that's a plus!

Hugh: *Death glares at Enoch*

Hugh: I love your hair in this one, Fi

Fiona: I know. Too bad your's is black, though

Hugh: I know. What can you do, though. Let's move on

Hugh: Oh Bird

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Hugh: Oh Bird

Millard: I think this experience is scarring me for life

Emma: Yeah. Honestly, it's the worst ship ever! Besides Millard and Jake...

Jacob: *Kisses Emma*

Hugh: *Kisses Fiona*

Enoch: *Is kissing Horace in the hall*

Millard: *Sighs* I am forever alone, apparently. Let's just end it here

I have no idea how that was, so please tell me! I'm going to make one more chapter, and if that's good and you liked it, please comment and I can make more. If not, it was fun writing anyway! 

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