Chapter Four

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Hi! Here's another chapter of the peculiars reacting to their fan art. So it's 1 am right now so this could be very, very bad writing. Haha! Anyway, here we go! 

The peculiars reacting to their fan art this chapter will be as follows:

* Millard (He's my fav so he's always gotta be in here *Hahaha*)

* Bronwyn

* Jacob

* Emma

* Olive

* Claire


Millard: Hello again, everyone! Here is another addition of us reacting to our fan art. I don't know why there is so much, but I keep finding more and more! Anyway, I hope you are enjoying this! Let's get right into it

 I don't know why there is so much, but I keep finding more and more! Anyway, I hope you are enjoying this! Let's get right into it

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Claire: Wowee!

Olive: It's you, Claire! You look like a dolly in this picture!

Claire: I know! It's so cool, and the person did a good job

Millard: Your eyelashes are way out of proportion, though

Claire: *Rolls eyes*

Bronwyn: Oh, shut up Millard

Claire and Olive: Miss Peregrine!

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Claire and Olive: Miss Peregrine!

Millard: She is not that young

Bronwyn: *Smacks Millard*

Millard: I'm sorry, but she looks nothing like that

Jacob: That's just the movie Miss P

Emma: Yep. Jake showed me the movie, and that's what they made her look like

Olive: But why??

Emma and Jake: *Look at each other awkwardly* No idea

Emma and Jake: *Look at each other awkwardly* No idea

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Olive: Hey! It's older me! *Squeals*

Millard: It looks like you're about 11 in that picture

Olive: Yay!!!

Claire: Do they have any older pictures of me?

Millard: We'll have to see, though I'm not sure

Claire: Okay!

Millard checked his pictures, and there are not any of older Claire :(

Millard checked his pictures, and there are not any of older Claire :(

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Emma: Ooh, I like this one!

Jacob: Me too! 

Emma: *Rolls her eyes and smiles at him*

Jacob: *Kisses Emma softly*

Claire and Olive: EW!

Enoch: *Walking by the doorway* GET A ROOM!

Jacob: Oh my gosh, Enoch, I swear... 

Millard: Oh Bird

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Millard: Oh Bird

Jacob: I mean, you did spend three years on pigs alone, so...

Millard: *Rolls eyes invisibly*

Jacob: It's kind of your fault for being a nerd

Millard: Are you serious, Jake? You used to look at maps and plan the BEST adventures EVER

Jacob: *Face turns red* Yeah, well, I was six. Not sixteen

Millard: Alright, alright *rolls eyes again* let's move on

Millard: Alright, alright *rolls eyes again* let's move on

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Bronwyn: Cool!

Claire: It's you, Bronwyn!!

Bronwyn: *Laughs* I know, sweetie

Olive: It's a cool picture, and it looks just like you!

Bronwyn: I know. I think we can stop there. It's really just an awesome picture

Bronwyn: This one is quiet good! And look how cute Claire is!

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Bronwyn: This one is quiet good! And look how cute Claire is!

Olive: Where am I?

Millard: I believe that you're standing next to Enoch

Olive: *Freaks out a bit* That's me?! That's Enoch?!

Jacob: This is a movie picture, Olive

Olive: *Takes a deep breath* Oh. I have fire like Emma, though! This is wrong!

Emma: Yeah. Blame the director, Tim Burton

Olive: Okay. Thanks a lot, Tim Burton

Jake: *Laughs in the background*

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