Chapter Six (Short!)

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Millard: Hello, everyone! A girl made something that she begged us to put into this chapter. We weren't really planning on doing a chapter today, but we decided to do her request. This chapter will only be one picture, the one she made for us. No one has seen this yet, so let's go ahead!

Millard: *Pulls up the file on his computer*

Everyone: *Stands behind the laptop, reading the quote*

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Everyone: *Stands behind the laptop, reading the quote*


Millard: It's a quote from the book, something I said after I was shot. "Will you quit shouting and let me bleed in peace!"

Claire: Why would she write that?

Her: *Walks into the rom and everyone looks up at her* Oh my God... Oh my God... This is a dream come true *High pitched fangirl squeal*

Enoch: Who are you?!

Her: *Hyperventilating* Oh my Lord!!

Enoch: ....What is wrong with her?? Is she having trouble breathing?

Emma: She's a fangirl, Enoch. She's a fangirl. A... big... fangirl.


Her: *Takes a deep breath* I'm the girl who runs your account. I'm your biggest fan EVER! I am obsessed with your books. I have all three books, I write the quotes in fancy letters, I'm saving up for "The Tales," and I'm saving up for the calendar and the journal. I have a sweatshirt that says #StayPeculiar with a bird on it, I have a necklace with Millard on it that says #StayPeculiar...

Enoch: Is there something wrong with you?? Are you a stalker?? You have a necklace with Millard on it??

Her: Yes. Everything is wrong with me, and I am OBSESSED.

Millard: So, you have a necklace of me?

Her: Uh... yeah. And I made that quote-thing because it's my favorite quote in the book. I mean, you were so brave to go into the water, and you're so smart and caring, and in all the FanFictions I've read and written, you have brown hair and green eyes, which I love-

Enoch: You've written FANFICTIONS about MILLARD?!

Her: ...

Millard: You're cute. I mean... your writing and reading and fangirling is cute...

Her: *Cheeks flare as red as a fire truck* Oh my... thanks

Enoch: Stop flirting, you two! Why are you even here?!

Her: Well, Mill emailed me that you guys were going to be reviewing my quote in the next chapter, so I decided to come visit you guys... this is an absolute dream come true, you know? I've been obsessed with you guys since I read the first book in the sixth grade

Millard: Nice

Her: Aww, thanks! I was thinking, could you guys take a picture with me?

Emma: Sure! Everyone, come on!

Everyone: *Crowds around her, and she smiles as wide as ever, taking a few pictures

Her: *Fangirl squeal* This is amazing!

Millard: *Chuckles* You said that you write, correct?

Her: *Looks at the floor sheepishly* Uh... yeah...

Millard: Well, would you want to go to the library and write? Maybe read a little, too?

Her: *Holds in a fangirl squeal* Yes!!

Millard: Great! Let's go!

Enoch: *Kissing noises*

Millard: Oh, shut up Enoch *Starts walking out of the room holding her hand*

Her: *Laughs* *Whispers* You know, I wrote a book and I can turn invisible in it...

Millard: *Laughs* That's awesome

The Girl and Millard: *Walk out the front door*

Enoch: Okay, Millard's computer is still open! Let's check out his emails with this girl!

Emma: Oh yes! We have to get to work! Goodbye, everyone! *Waves and shuts off the camera*

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