Chapter Two

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The peculiars reacting to their fan art in this chapter will be:

- Millard (again)

- Horace 

- Enoch (again)

- Claire 

- Olive

- Emma (again)


Millard: Even though the last chapter was slightly scarring, we're going to continue for you guys' sake. Anyway, here's chapter two

 Anyway, here's chapter two

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Millard: Well... they got our ages right...

Olive: Uh-uh! They got me and Claire's wrong! I'm seven, and Claire is five!

Millard: I mean, besides that

Olive: Hmph 

Enoch: Millard, you look like a smudge 

Horace: You actually do

Millard: ... 

Emma: Yeah, you kinda do

Millard: Will everyone stop with me being a smudge! Did anyone even notice Emma's mouth?

Everyone else: *Looks at Emma's mouth*

Emma: Oh... let's move on... 

Enoch: Emma, they made you have red hair

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Enoch: Emma, they made you have red hair

Emma: I know. It's a really nice picture and all, the only thing is that I have blonde hair. Not red. And my eyes aren't black

Millard: You don't wear purple dresses, either

Emma: Oh! That's true, as well. I usually wear blue

Millard: I think that's about it for that picture. Let's move on

Millard: Oh

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Millard: Oh

Enoch: Why are your arms bent that way?

Millard: I don't know. It kind of looks like I broke them

Emma: Oh, it does

Horace: Plus, that hat is wretched

Millard: Hey! 

Horace: *Rolls his eyes*

Claire: What are you supposed to be writing? 

Olive: And what's those two little squares by your head?

Millard: Alright, we're just going to move on

Emma: This one is quite good

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Emma: This one is quite good

Millard: They even drew my head!

Claire: My hair isn't like that, though. That looks like boy's hair

Olive: It's okay

Claire: *Shrugs* Let's move on then, I guess

Olive: Someone wrote a joke about Millard!

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Olive: Someone wrote a joke about Millard!

Emma: Well, it's not technically art, but let's read!

Millard: *Reading* The killer says "I can see you" I say nothing, then he says nothing. Then I say "Well... that is interesting"

Claire and Olive: *Burst out laughing*

Claire: It's funny- *laughs*- because you can't even see Millard!

Enoch: That actually was quite good

Horace: Mmh

Millard: It was. Now, that's all we have for this chapter

Olive and Claire: Goodbye! 

I hope you liked this chapter and the first, as well. Should I do another chapter? Comment, please!

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