Chapter Three

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Hi, everyone! I don't actually know if people are reading this, but I'm gonna pretend that you are! Anyway, here's another chapter. 

I wrote this with the help of my cousin: @godgirl378

Anyway, she is a highly devoted Enorace shipper so we decided to do a chapter on them! If you're not a shipper of them, sorry! Anyway, let's go to the chapter

By the way, the peculiars reacting to this chapter are as follow:

* Enoch







Millard: Hello, everyone! I found some more amazing fan art. This fan art will be a little surprise for everyone else! *Laughs*

 This fan art will be a little surprise for everyone else! *Laughs*

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 Claire: What?

Olive: I don't understand...

Enoch and Horace: *Looking at each other and blushing hard*

Emma: Oh my- yes!!! *Squeals loudly*

Enoch: ....

Horace: What....?

Millard: Hehe

Horace: Can we move on now?

Millard: Oh, sure! *Laughs evilly under his breath*

Enoch: Are you- 

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Enoch: Are you- 

Emma: Language!

Enoch: Are you freaking kidding me??

Emma: You can't deny it's love!

Horace: *Won't take his eyes off of the picture*

Enoch: Alright... let's go to the next one!

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