Keith x Fem!Reader - Scratch My Back

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This chapter was gotten from my OC, Miri - one of the rarer Keith x Miri ones! - so if you'd like the original story, just comment and I'll put it down!  Really, it's the same storyline with a few tweaks based on Miri herself.

So the character in this story will be somebody who enjoys touch - it's been scientifically proven to extend your life length by something-or-other amount of years.  She's usually pretty unashamed to ask for a hug, a massage, or for somebody to scratch her back...

...And I'll leave it at that...

Now on to the story - I hope you enjoy!

You bit your lip, hesitant to walk in.  Would he get angry with you?  Would he be appalled?  You didn't know - you could only walk in and hope that he wouldn't judge.

You had asked Pidge first, as she was a girl too (and your best friend) - but she was busy with something else.

Then Allura - who flatly declined, as she was uncomfortable with the idea of physical contact with others, having been in her pod for so long.

You asked Hunk next - he was like your big brother, so he wouldn't care, and you were more comfortable with him than anybody else in the castle (except for Pidge, who was your best friend).Sadly, he was cooking food for everybody in the castle - including you - and you were pretty darn sure that food was more important than your current need.

Shiro came next... Space Dad was Space Dad, he would surely say yes - but he couldn't, he was helping Pidge with whatever project she was working on - he had only stopped for a short break and snack (A/N I know it's kind of OOC, but go with it!  It's for the storyline~).

Lance was a last resort - your only hope.  But when he gave you that "Lance" look... You were outta there, as fast as you could go.  Lance had not been a good option at all.

Coran... Well, he was... Coran.  You were pretty sure he was like Allura with the human interaction thing, and you weren't exactly comfortable with him... Him being an old man and such.  Lance was better (maybe).

So Keith was your last hope.  Your maybe savior.  Maybe... You were fairly sure he didn't like you.  Why else would he ignore you whenever you tried to talk to him?  Why else would he leave whenever you came in the room?  You'd tried to shrug it off before, but it hurt your feelings a lot.

...But he was better than Coran... Coran was like your grandfather or something, and asking your friends/a Keith was better than asking your grandfather.

So, steeling yourself for an emotional ordeal, you quietly stepped into the training room just as Keith vanquished a Level 4 Gladiator.

"Start Lev-" Keith started, but before he could finish, you interrupted him.

You stammered, "Um, K-Keith?  Could y-you help me w-with something?"

He looked away from you, down at the ground.  "Maybe later, Y/N.  I'm busy right now, and I'd like to finish training for the day..."

That angered you - busy your bottom!  The boy wasn't doing anything but training, and it was high time he stopped, and you told him as such.  "Keith Kogane!  You train day and night, and I need your help!  You do too much training as it is, so shush and hear me out!" you snarled, less nervous now that your anger had sparked.

He nodded, seemingly thinking about something before meekly following you out of the training room and into your room.  "So... Why do you need my help?" he tentatively asked, as if afraid that you might become angry again.

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