Pidge and Reader - Gum (Platonic oneshot)

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"Hey, Y/N."  Pidge poked your arm.

You glanced up from the book you were reading - Flashback (A/N C'MON, SHANNON MESSENGER - THE FANDOM IS WAITING!!!  WE BELIEVE IN YOU!) - and said, slowly, "Yeah...?"

Pidge grinned devilishly.  "Ya want a stick of gum?"

The devilish grin set off red flags everywhere in your head, but you chose not to pay attention to them.  "Um... Sure.  What for?" you asked, holding your hand out.

Pidge placed the stick of gum in your hands, that smirk still on her face.  "Well, you're reading, right?"

You nodded.  "Yeah.  It's a really, really good book so far.  So?"

Pidge smiled again, this time more innocently.

Red flags were quite literally popping up in your line of sight.

Innocent smiles were never good...

"Well, I decided that a stick of gum would help you concentrate!  So?  It's (insert favorite gum flavor)!  Anyway, studies have shown that..."

After she started on her science talk, you tuned her out.  You made to open the stick of gum, but when you opened the wrapper...

...It was empty.

You looked at the wrapper, confused.  Pidge was staring at you, biting her lip to hold in her giggles.  "Soooo?  Do you like the gum?" she asked you, struggling not to die of laughter.

Then you realized.


Pidge fell over laughing, and you just stared in horror at the empty wrapper.

She had- and then! but now-

Whaaaa?  Your words echoed your thoughts, and Pidge laughed even harder.  "Pidge!" you said in your warning voice.

She looked up at you from the floor, an occasional giggle still bursting out of her every few seconds or so.  "Yes, Y/N?" she said, acting innocent.

"..."  You were silent.

"Y/N?  Are you okay?  Y/NNNNNN??"  Pidge crawled closer to your spot on the couch.  "Y/N, are you alright?  Answer me...?"

You didn't reply.  Just a few more steps...

Pidge shuffled even closer to you.  "Y/N?"

FWOOMPH! And point you!  You had successfully squashed the poor Pidgeon under your body weight (A/N Even if you weigh two pounds, you have still successfully squashed Pidge), and now she was making small noises from under you.  "Y/N!  Lemme up!  Can't... Breathe!"

"Gimme the gum, Pidge!" you cried, telling yourself to sit tight until Pidge showed you where the gum you knew she had was.

"Never!" she exhaled, still squirming like a wiggly worm under your body weight.

"Pidge..." you warned, adding a darker tone to your voice.

She sighed - how she managed to do that, you had no idea, but she sighed nonetheless.  "Fine," she managed to squeak out.  "I'll show you where the gum is."

You cautiously removed yourself from Pidge's back, and she stood up and dusted herself off.  "So... Gum?" you asked, squinting at your friend.

She sighed again and started to walk back to the couch, but before she reached the couch, she jumped up onto the coffee table and vaulted over your head.  "Never!  You gotta catch me first!" she yelped as you made a mad grab for her foot.

"DANG IT PIDGE!" you growled.  "I'M GOING TO GET YOU!"

Her laughter echoed through the door.  "No way, Y/N!  You're never getting my gum.  Ha ha!!"

You grumbled.  She was too fast for you; you knew that you weren't ever going to catch her.  She knew it too.

You ran out of the room, howling as you sprinted, "TODAY WILL BE THE DAY THAT I GET YOU, PIDGE GUNDERSON!"


You didn't get Pidge.  When you finally did get back to your room to sleep for the rest of your life (what?  Chasing Pidge gets tiring!), you saw something on your pillow.

It was a note and a stick of gum.

The note said, "Come to my room and we'll photoshop some pictures of Lance and Keith (A/N Or Shallura if you'd like - just change it in your head) - I'm running short on Klance material for my Klance board.  Also I need somebody to videotape them while I can't, and you're the only other person I trust with this responsibility.  Allura is sleeping.  I know you're not, so get your butt over here!   NOW!!"

You sighed and silently slipped out of your room to go to Pidge's room.

What?  Klance was something that you simply could not pass up!

I hope you liked it!

First platonic oneshot ever, actually.  Originally Pidge was going to ruin a good stick of gum by writing in sharpie "I like you...?" on one side and on the other side, "Don't eat this gum.  Not only did I write on it in sharpie but I also kinda made it out of home-made playdough."  On the inside wrapper, it was going to say, "So... Klance board later?"

But it's late and I have school tomorrow, so I decided to make it short rather than long.

If you didn't like it and you just want me to stick to other things, just tell me.  As long as you're not being blatantly rude about it, pretty much nothing offends me.  :)

Oh, one more thing - I'm taking requests!  Because I have writer's block and I can't think.  So if you'd like me to write anything, please tell me and give me a verbal sketch of what you'd like the story to be.  Thank you! 

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