??? x Fem!Reader - My Music

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This is a soulmate AU where if one's soulmate listens to music that they really like, the other person will either A: Simply get the song stuck in their head for HOURS (if they don't like the song) or B: Start singing the lyrics no matter what they're doing (if they like the song). This can only be countered by the other person if they listen to a song that they like (in which case the soulmate will have the same reaction as examples A and B). If one soulmate turns on a song and the other soulmate plays a different song, the first soulmate would have to change his/her original song to counter the effects of the second soulmate's song. If the soulmate that isn't playing the song is singing the song the other soulmate is playing, the other soulmate will know (soulmate bond, I can't explain it). If the other soulmate is suffering from example B and isn't changing the song, the first soulmate will immediately get a sense of "something is seriously wrong" (even if there is nothing wrong, it's just a soulmate-preservation instinct).  If you find your soulmate and realize that this person is in fact your soulmate, the words "Soulmate of (soulmate's name)" will appear on your collarbone - right or left, doesn't matter. This is for the two part update - I've been working hard on both one-shots, and this idea popped into my head so I scrapped everything and wrote this instead!!!

Oh - y'alls are in your sophomore year. So maybe it's a High School!Soulmate! AU? I dunno. *shrug*

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this way long one-shot! ^-^

"...That boy knows I hate that song!" you grumbled to yourself as your unknown soulmate listened to his favorite song YET AGAIN.

And you knew that he knew that you absolutely DESPISED that song because every time he started playing it, you would immediately become distracted until the song was changed. Luckily, it was noon on a Sunday, so you could play as much of your music as you wanted without any pesky teachers telling you to take your earbuds out of your ears and pay attention (which was nearly impossible with that blasted song ricocheting around your head). You reached out to change the song that you had been playing, when-

-THWACK! Snapping out of your thoughts (and jerking your arm back from your phone), you realized that your annoying neighbor, Pidge, was at it again - she was working on one of her "projects".

Okay, so Pidge wasn't that annoying - usually. Unless she was working on a project of hers outside or she was belting out the lyrics to Africa by Toto (her soulmate's favorite song, and because she didn't mind it, she was constantly singing it).

THWACK! Her hammer smacked down again, forcing a wooden stake into the ground. "What the heck is she doing?" you wondered out loud. THWACK! You shook your head once, closing your previously open window and sitting on your bed.

Then the song in your head changed. You grinned, hoping that for once in his life your soulmate would choose something remotely alright with you.

Instead he chose a Taylor Swift song. You grimaced. Some of Taylor Swift's songs were alright, but this particular song was one of the ones from when Taylor Swift sang country. You weren't the biggest fan of country... It was not what you'd choose to listen to on a daily basis.

So you did the only logical thing. You grabbed your phone, connected it to your speaker, and turned the volume on both your phone and your speaker all the way up. Smirking, you clicked your favorite song - (favorite song) by (song artist) (A/N: If you'd like to use any of these songs, here: Lovely by Twenty One Pilots, Ain't It Fun by Paramore, Castle by Halsey, Missing by Evanescence, Holy by PVRIS). "Let's see what the he does now..." You mentally smirked, waiting for your soulmate to play a different song, one of his that would stick in your head for hours.

He was absolutely against any and all of your songs. Sometimes, he would ignore them for a few minutes (making you worry out of your mind) and then change the song, and sometimes he would play No by Meghan Trainor (that was your song for NO! ANY SONG BUT THAT SONG. You didn't know how it happened, but it did - you two had a mutual understand through music) and change the song immediately after.

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