Keith x Reader - Rivals

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BagelsAndLettuce requested this... Hope you like it, 


Anyways can I request a Keith x reader?It goes out like this:-Let's just say that Keith and y/n aren't friends. THEY ARE RIVALS. I MEAN LIKE THEY FIGHT EVERYTIME. THEY WONT STOP 24/7-I think Lance? He had a plan to make the two be friends by putting them inTO A SUPER DARK ROOM. -While Keith and y/n are in the room, yep they started to be mean at first but when y/n mentioned Lance's plan they were like "thats stupid." "i knOw!!"And then it turned out to be a nice fRIENDLY CONVERSATION.-They accidentally confessed they're feelings to each other.-They started to lean in for a kiss but then someone walked into the room and turned on the lights. IT WAS SHIRO. bOOM the kiss didn't happened! XD

You slashed at the gladiator, putting every ounce of you rage into your precise, power-filled blows.

Keith had no idea you liked him.  And being the rather tsundere child you were, you always had to pick a fight with him!

You really didn't try to.  But what if he found out that you liked him?  You'd be humiliated for the rest of your life.

No sir.  Nuh uh, not happening.  Besides, you did have to hide it from the rest of the members on the ship, because if any of them found out...

Allura and Pidge were scary, and they'd probably force you and Keith to get married regardless of what either of you wanted.

Lance would make fun of you.

Coran would probably go off into a long spiel about "Back in my day..." which would bore you to tears.

Shiro would probably give you knowing looks EVERY TIME Keith entered the same room as you and Shiro.

Hunk would be sympathetic, which would make you feel worse about Keith not liking you back.

And Keith...  You didn't want to think about it (but you did anyway).  Awkwardness, horrible silences, Keith most likely leaving the room and abandoning you to your feelings...

Yeah, not going to happen.

You let out one final huff, stabbing the gladiator in the neck with your kitchen knife.  What?  You didn't have a bayard, thanks to not being a paladin, and when you'd followed Keith's motorbike on your hoverboard (an actual, legitimate hoverboard that worked because of helicopter-type fans on the bottom - your genius friend, _That_One_ {A/N HAHA SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT NOW!!  Y'alls's go breaking my poor fourth wall, well NOW IT'S MY TURN!! *evil laughter*} had built it for you), you hadn't brought your taser.  The occasional intruder had broken into the Garrison, so you figured better safe than sorry.

"Ummm... Y/N, are you alright?  You kind of defeated the gladiator already..." Pidge said warily, poking her head into the training room.

Looking down, you saw the body of the gladiator...

...And the head was laying halfway across the room.

You turned around, grinning.  All sign of the turmoil inside of you was washed away, and you were as normal as ever.  "Yeah... I was just imagining the gladiator to be a Galra soldier."  You glanced down ruefully at the destroyed gladiator.  "I guess I kinda went too far..."

Pidge nodded, walking up to you and staring at the gladiator.  "So... You wanna just get Coran to fix the gladiator?"

You bobbed your head up and down in affirmation.  "Yes please.  You know I'm absolutely horrible at this mechanical stuff.  Hey, where's Lance?  I need to laugh.  Being so angry..."  You shivered.

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