Part 55

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Fallon Connelly 2:27 p.m.

The ground doesn't stop until we're at least fifty feet from the building. I'm holding Justin's hand so tightly that I'm afraid I might be breaking his tiny bones. When the shaking stops, this time I collapse to my knees in the grass and don't bother to keep down the sobs that want to break free. I'm exhausted, frustrated and feeling the loss of Cal deeply. I cry into my hands and am closer than I have been throughout all this to just giving up.

Then I feel thin arms hug me from behind and Ry-Ann's braids fall over my shoulder as she rests her head on it. Justin follows his sister's lead and hugs me from the front, so that I'm encircled by them. They are stronger than me right now, maybe they always have been, and I let them bring the life back into my bones. I haven't found their father yet, and that's a promise I intend to keep.

Marc is breathing heavily as he comes up behind us. I turn and meet his eyes, which are weary. He's no longer limping but I can only imagine the bruise forming on his shin.

"I'm sorry," I say.

He waves it off but there is a tightness to his jaw that keeps me from saying anything more.

A siren blares so loudly that all four of us are jolted. A police car, lights flashing, turns the corner onto this desolate street. It's like a miracle, but remembering how they passed us by earlier forces me to my feet. I'm so tired and ready for rescue that I would probably throw myself in front their car without the ability to move if they played chicken. It pulls up to the curb before I have to make that sacrifice and when the passenger door opens I nearly fall to my knees again. Cal bolts from his seat and just as I feel my knees buckling he pulls me into his arms and hugs me tighter than I've ever been hugged.

"I went for help," he says. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

I don't answer. I can't answer. All that comes out is another sob that I bury into his chest as he holds me. The cop, a tall burly man who looks like he's gotten about as much sleep as we have, comes up to the curb behind us.

"Come on, let's get you all to the shelter," he says.

As Cal leads me to the car I find the strength to whisper in his ear. "I'm so sorry. I love you. I'm sorry."

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