Chapter 13

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A few months later 

Within several months of constantly spending time in the studio putting in hard work, Zayn was at last finished recording his debut album. After having submitting the album to his record label in order to get feedback letting him know whether or not he had some changes to make to his surprise his label found no faults on his album, they were completely find with the way the body of work is. 

Zayn was now sitting before his manager's desk having a discussion about upcoming plans to carry out throughout his first year of being a solo artist 

"So Zayn, what song on your album do you plan on letting be the first single?" zayn's manager asked 

"wRoNg" Zayn simply said 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes I'm sure" Zayn nodded 

"Well alright if that's what you want, so do you plan on releasing the song and music video separately or both of them at the same time?" 

"I want the audio and video out at the same time" 

"Good decision, and which day do you intend on setting the release date on?" 

"The 22nd of this month" 

"Hmmmm... Okay I guess it's time for you to make the big announcement to your fans" Zayn's manager suggested, Zayn nodded in response sliding his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it in the process in order to access the Twitter app 


I'm very excited to announce my very 1st single "wRoNg" featuring @LaurenJauregui which will be released on the 22nd of this month 😼🤗

When Zayn had sent his tweet, he watched as the number of his mentions increased awaiting a response from Lauren 

Within a few minutes of waiting, Lauren's username flashed across the top of Zayn's phone screen. Seeing that his lover had responded to his tweet caused him to smile widely zayn's manager arched an eyebrow at the sight in curiosity

"I take it that the fans are going crazy over your announcement" Zayn raised his head looking up from his phone's screen 

"Well yeah they are but that's not the reason I'm smiling, I'm smiling because my baby girl responded to my tweet" Zayn's manager playfully rolled his eyes at the back of his head at Zayn's words 

"You really love this girl huh?" Zayn's manager asked raising an eyebrow Zayn nodded his head slowly, blinking his eyes 

"I do, I really do... She's my everything" Zayn said lovingly at the thought of Lauren

"You know what I think?" 

"No, what's on your mind?" Zayn asked in curiosity

"The love you have for Lauren is absolutely admirable, I really hope you guys last I'm definitely rooting for the both of you" 

"We will" Zayn said in confidence 

"Now if you'd excuse me I'd like to respond to the love of my life's tweet" Zayn sassed averting his eyes to his phone's screen, his managed threw up his hands in mid air 

"Why of course, be my guest" 


I'm very excited to announce my very 1st single "wRoNg" featuring @LaurenJauregui which will be released on the 22nd of this month 😼🤗

@laurenJauregui @zaynmalik: 

Loved every second of recording this amazing song with you babe ❤️ 

@zaynmalik @laurenJauregui: 

Me too baby girl 😘

@tmhljp @zaynmalik @LaurenJauregui:

Karma will get you and let this song flop for deciding to become a traitor 🤗

@zenskitten @zaynmalik @LaurenJauregui: 

You guys are so cringy 🙄

@Fireproofzjm @zaynmalik @LaurenJauregui:

It's so obvious that you're only dating this bitch to help her flop of a career, no one believes that this relationship is legit so just stop trying to convince us that it's real ffs 

The smile that was previously on Zayn's face from reading his Twitter conversion with Lauren immediately faded away when the replies beneath their interaction caught his eye, the comments were nothing but atrocious. Although some time ago Zayn made up his mind as to ignoring the hate comments he saw online, he had the strong urge of replying to the persons sending him godawful tweets, the anger in zayn's heart was so strong he couldn't help but not resist the urge of fighting his online haters

@zaynmalik @tmhljp: 

Karma will get you for wishing bad on others 🤗

@zaynmalik @Zenskitten: 


@zaynmalik @Fireproofzjm: 

I have no reason to "try to convince" anyone that my relationship with Lauren is real when it actually is and Thank you for your concern but my baby's doing just fine career wise you should worry about your own life and career instead of investing your time into hating on someone else's I'm sure if you did you wouldn't feel the need to take your anger out on me and Lauren 

Private conversation between Lauren and Zayn 

Lauren: Babe enough! stop wasting your time on replying to these idiots

Zayn: :( sorry babe it's just that I got really pissed when I saw some of the replies so I had no choice but to clapback 😔 

Lauren: I know babe, but remember that you have a new single coming out soon so just focus on that instead of feeding into the negativity

Zayn: You're right, I won't give them anymore of my attention 

Lauren: That's the spirit, at the end of the day arguing with them won't change their opinions so just let them rot in their bitterness

Zayn: you're right babe I'm sorry for lashing out 

Lauren: I'm always right and that's okay, just don't feed into the negativity anymore ❤️ 

Zayn: I won't 😘❤️

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