Chapter 17

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*1 week later* 

After a week passed of the new single being out, Zayn and Lauren attended one of the TV shows they booked preparing themselves to perform their duet for the first time

Meanwhile the audience on the outside was awaiting their appearance in excitement, the two stars were in their respective dressing rooms preparing themselves to perform.

In no time, the TV show host welcomed Zayn and Lauren to the stage, however zayn made his way to the stage without Lauren due to the fact that he was the one who leaded the duet

The awaiting crowd went into an uproar as they saw their favorite star making his way onto the stage, they couldn't wait any longer to be blown away by his incredible vocals 

Once Zayn reached the micstand, he took a hold of it now singing his lines to the song meanwhile zayn began to sing the new single Lauren along with their team watched behind the stage in amazement loving the energy he brought to the stage but most of all his soothing vocals 

Within a few more lines into the song zayn knew it was closer to time for Lauren's verse to be sung this caused him to stop singing for a while, once he finished his own verses he paused the performance for a bit to welcome Lauren to the stage 

Zayn turned his head, looking behind him in Lauren's direction with his hand out 

"Everyone give it up for Lauren Jauregui!!" Zayn exclaimed in excitement, the crowd went crazier than before this caused a wide smile to form on both zayn and Lauren's lips knowing that the crowd was this hyped about their performance

Since Lauren was now also on stage she proceeded to sing her verse, while she sang, her eye contact was mainly on Zayn considering this kind of song required chemistry between the performers and of course the crowd loved every second of it 

When Lauren was done singing her verse, zayn began to sing again, this time the two were now singing the duet to each other, their voices going well together 

Once the performance was over, a chorus of screams and applause could be heard from everyone in the crowd who had taken the time to attend the show 

Before Zayn and Lauren walked off stage, they interacted with the crowd thanking everyone for coming out to the show to watch them perform

After the small talk the lights gradually went dim signalling it was now time for zayn and Lauren to walk off the stage to return backstage, proceeding to leave the show shortly

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