Shall I Die Tonight

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The rope felt right, against my neck.

It felt like it belonged there.

It felt like a long lost friend.

I lifted up my right foot, dangling it below the seat of the chair. The rope tightened around my fragile neck. Dug into my tan skin.

Should I really do this? Would anyone really care in the end?

The answer is no. Nobody would care. Nobody ever has. Nobody ever will.

Then, I hear a noise. A noise that sounds like someone's banging against the side of the house. I see a body appear in the window and climb in as I kick the chair out from under me. It would all be over soon, I thought.

Strong arms grasp my sides, making my suicide attempt fail. Whoever this is I'm going to kill them.

The rope is removed from my neck and I'm laid down on my bed.

I look up to see Mya. 

"Girl, what's your problem? Why the hell are you tryna kill yourself?" She yelled at me.

I just laid there in shock. People were supposed to find out after my death, not before. This was going all wrong...

"P-please just let me end it..." I whispered, feeling the rope burn on my neck. There will probably be a burn there for a few days.

"No, honey, you need to come back to my house with me where you're safe."

"B-but your father hates me... He won't let me back." I stuttered out, barely able to form a sentence.

"Oh, he'll come around."

She picked me up into her strong arms, "w-what about my stuff?" I whispered.

"We will come back and get it soon. Where's your school bag?" I pointed to it and she slung it over her shoulders and carried me down the ladder almost effortlessly.

She set me down and put her arm around my shoulders, helping me walk. I was shaking like crazy, and I felt like I was going to throw up and pass out at the same time.

I then threw up all over the sidewalk. I felt light-headed and I just needed to lay down.

"I need you to stay with me, okay, Cass?"

Black dots started to fill my vision, "I-I don't know if I can..." I started to stumble, and she picked me up bridal style.

A door opened and her father started yelling, "Mya! I told you that freak cannot stay in our house!"

"But, father, she needs to be here. She's not safe." She argued as I still felt like I was about to pass out.

I was then set down on a soft cushion, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Ask your cousin to take her ass! His parents will be fine with it!" Her father retorted back.

"Ugh! Fine! I'll call him soon." I heard footsteps come towards me, "Cassie, are you okay with staying with my cousin and his parents?"

"How old is he?" I asked, as for I don't really want to stay with a young child or a 30-year-old man.

"18, just a year older than us. He's a senior." Thank God. Maybe he'll be attractive.

"Y-yeah, that's fine with me," I spoke as my head pounded.

I heard a phone ring, then, "Hey, Mike. Do you mind if my friend stays with your family?...- Dude, my dad won't let her stay here with me!...- Thanks...-" Then a pause. "He will be here in like five minutes. You want some Advil?"

"Aren't you afraid I'll overdose or something?" I sassily remarked.

"Cass, are you in pain?"

"No." I lied.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Mya opened it, revealing the most attractive man I've ever seen.


Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I've been in Canada on vacation like I said in my last little end-chapter rant :P

Vote if you liked this chapter, and thanks for reading!


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