Chapter 64

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Alaska's POV

"Matt?" I asked. "umm I just came to drop off your jacket cause you lft it at my house" he mumbled. He handed me my jacket and looked into my eyes. "Bye" he said turning away. 

I watched him walk away then closed the door. "Who was that?" Brooklyn asked. "Ohh just one of my friends... I forgot my jacket at their house" I said. He nodded then continued eating.


"Bye guys" I said. "Bye boo" Ellie said. "Bye see you tomorrow?" asked Jasmin. "Yeah" I smiled. "No I was talking to Emmett but..." she said. I rolled my eyes and Emmett laughed. Brooklyn pulled my hand and moaned "Come with me please". "Mmmm okay but only if we go to Starbucks." I said. "Yepperdoodles" he smiled. "Hey Jasmin can I come with?" Emmett asked. "Yeah" she smiled. 

He ran to her car and waved as they backed out. "Guess it's just you and me" Brooklyn smirked. "And me" my mom said. "Hey mom" I said. "Can you guys pick me up some donuts on the way i've been craving them" she said. "Yeah! Will do" Brooklyn smiled. "Thanks kids" she smiled then closed the door.


Brooklyn held the door open for me as we walked into Starbucks. I smiled and kissed his cheek. When I walked in I felt someone slap me. "Don't ever kiss Brooklyn!" A voice yelled. I looked up to a Blonde girl about my age. "What the hell?" I asked. She grabbed Brooklyn by the shirt and pushed him up against the wall. "Sorry.... but ummm..." Brooklyn mumbled. She leaned in and plumped her lips. "Back off" Brooklyn said pushing her away. She slapped him then walked away.

"Are you okay?" Brooklyn asked. "Yeah" I groaned. A girl about my age with brown eyes, light brown hair, and freckles came up to me. "Are you okay" she said handing me a bag of ice. "Yeah" I smiled. "I'll give you guys a free drink" she smiled. I looked at her apron and realized she worked here. "Really? That would be amazing" I squealed. 


"Thanks you didn't have too" I smiled. "Yeah this is amazing" Brooklyn said. "You should come hang with us" I said. "I was just about to go on break so yeah that would be great!" she smiled.

She pulled off her apron and hat and put them inside a bag. "Ready?" she asked. "Yeah" Brooklyn said.


"So you grew up in Greece then moved here?" I asked. "Yeah! Well my parents lived in America for their whole lives then when I was going to be born they moved to Greece. Then we moved to Great Britain a few months ago. " she smiled. "What's your name?" Brooklyn asked. "Gresa" she smiled. 

"What school do you go too?" I asked. "Well I moved here a few months ago soo my parents home schooled me but I'm going to Kings High after summer break" she smiled. "That's where we go" Brooklyn smiled. "Well I have to go back so see you guys another time" she smiled. 

We exchanged phone number then she walked away. "She was cute" I said. "I guess" Brooklyn shrugged. I punched his shoulder and he laughed. "What was that for?" he said. "For saying another girl is cute in front of me" I laughed. He rolled his eyes then interlocked our hands.

"Anyway where too next" I asked. "My crib" He smiled. "kk" I said.

Author's Note

Okay guys I know this is the worst chapter but I needed to update. Im trying to think of some drama but im not sure what to do. ANy suggestions? But anyway love you guys and peace out

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