i. Macy

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i liked her

her blue hair

was certainly not college-like

she snorted a little

whenever she laughed

she was too smart

for her own good

but i l i k e d her

and it scared the hell out of me

because all my life

i've been hiding this side of me

it drives me insane

to feel this way

yet all the same

i still liked her

hello all! so this is the (sort of) prequel to melancholia. it's going to be about Avery's parents (her biological father, her mother and her mother's wife). the rest of the chapters won't be coming for a long time, for multiple reasons. the main one is that i want to finish melancholia first and it'll be done sometime in mid/late august. the second reason is that i'm entering this into a contest and i needed to only have the first chapter written to enter. so yeah! i hope you guys enjoy the rest of this :)

dedicated to @_amaniii for encouraging me to write this :D

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