vii. Macy

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studying in my dorm room

there'd always be a voice in my head

telling me to go back to her

that maybe there's a chance for us

did i want there to be?

i don't know

all i knew

were that these thoughts were driving me insane

the voices just wouldn't  s h u t  u p

so i shut them up

i kissed her

when i wrote the title of this chapter, i seriously started writing avery instead of macy.

i wanted to sort of run a story idea through you guys. i haven't started writing it or planning for it in any way, i just have the idea. basically, a religious christian falls in love with an atheist and they discuss religion and their future together, etc. it'd be written like rochambeau, but a bit more sentence-y in the chapters. so i just wanted to know if you guys would be interested in reading about that. let me know in the comments :)

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