xiv. Julietta

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it was 2:43

when a pounding on my door 

pulled me from my sleep 

and through my half tired eyes, 

i walked to the door and saw  h e r 

and suddenly she was sobbing

'i'm sorry

i'm  s o r r y' 

and i hugged her close to me 

as she told me her regrets

none of this was logical 

she was having a baby 

with someone who loved her 

probably much more than i ever could 

even so 

she chose  m e 

final chapter will be posted on saturday!

you guys know how i wrote an epilogue for Melancholia so there'd sort of be two alternate endings? well, there's not going to be an epilogue for this book because i feel like there's only one right way to end it :)

also, (i think i told you guys but i'm not sure) i'm writing a new story based on Lewis Watson songs. a summary should be up by saturday :)

just as a heads-up, next chapter won't be written in Caspian's pov, but it'll be about him. you'll see what i mean :)

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