xi. Julietta

125 18 2

we haven't talked in years

she married caspian

as soon as she graduated

she's pregnant now

i don't know if it's a boy or a girl

she sent me an invite 

to her baby shower

i didn't reply 

they must be so happy now 

i don't want to ruin that

sorry for the huge timeskip; it was pretty much the only way i could finish the story in time.

speaking of which, four more chapters until the end of Mendacity! as abrupt as it might seem, there's a good chance that Mendacity will be finished before the end of the month. also, yes i'm changing the order of the rest of the chapters: next is caspian, then macy and so on :)

Just as a notice, i've changed my username from @Winnderful to @windows_

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