Chapter 7

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Anya pov

Oh...fuck I'm gonna be a dead meat now...shit...

My expression was totally shocked. With My mouth wide open. What have I done.
And his expression was also totally shocked and now was fuming with anger. If looks could kill than I must be deep down the earth now. I bet.

"What the hell!!! Anya can't you're do a single work. How clumsy are you, Look what have you done, You are only a type of person who sleeps lazily whole day and can't do a single peace Of work. You a good for nothing.................oh fuck." He yelled and those words brought tears in my eyes. I quickly wipe them, So that he can't see.

"I am.. Sor..ry. sir.... I wi...lll.. Just clean it." I said with teary eyes.

"Yes, You Better do that......" He said and took off his coat and was about removing his shirt. When I said.

"What are you doing Mr. Malik. Don't you have some manners," And closed my eyes.

"Oh. Now I'm the one who don't have manners, haa, firstly you spilled the coffee on me and now that you asked for cleaning it so I'm giving it, such a idiot you are Ms. Hasan." He said getting irritated.

He took off his shirt and you know I think he must have 6 packs. A perfect body. I want to roam my hands on his muscles...seriously Anya.... Again.

He must have been seen me staring so he smirked and I blushed. God so embarrassing..."Take a picture it will last longer." He said huskly. I blushed more.

"No thanks I'm not interested. Sorry." I said and quickly ran with his shirt out of the room..

I got to the laundry which is on the other side of the building. Oh.. My legs are hurting so badly..... I cleaned the shirt and was going back when the attitude receptionist asked me.
"What are you doing with Mr. Malik's shirt.."Slightly angry.

"Oh you know we were actually having fun I was massaging his shoulder and you know it felt so good!! And by mistake I threw his shirt and it got dirty so I was going back to return it. Oh.." I said while controlling my laughter.

She stomped her feet in anger and frustration and ran away.

I laughed,
But I heard someone laughing at my back so loudly, I turned to see....

"Afsar, what are you doing here." I said exited.
His laughter finally came to end.

"Well, I came to meet Zaid, but then I saw you I was coming to you but then I heard your conversation. And you knows her reaction was oh my god. " again he started laughing.

"Well, yes you have to give me a true reason why are you holding Zaids shirt or I can believe you were massaging him. "He said smirking.

"What!!!! Never ewwww.... I'll never touch him yuck. And by mistake I spilled the coffee on his -shirt so that's why..." I said.

"OMG you are the only girl who have a courage to spill coffee on him. You are something special to him right." He said in his imagination.

"In your dreams." I said.

"Why are you here?, To meet Mr. Malik, do you have an appointment."

"Really, he's my bff and I don't need and appointment."Ohhhh.

"Wait, he have friends. Really?." I said how can he have friends he is a bastard.
He again laughed.

"H...a... ha... ha I know you must be thinking that how can he have friends bcoz of his attitude. But yes we are three bffs one is me, him and Rehaan" He said. Ohh.

"Well you are going to him only than can you please take this shirt to him. I don't want to face him again.... Argh so much attitude." I said irritated.

"Ya I can do that." he took the shirt and said a small bye before going.

Hmm... Let's see what else work does I have.

Amman pov

I was still thinking of her. She looked so beautiful today with dark red cloths it's suits her............
When she mistakly spilled the coffee on me her reaction was So funny I wanted to laugh but I thought that I am now Zaid not Amaan. Her nose were red on the tip. Her eyes shocked. I can tell that she was so scared Her mouth was wide open.

But I was angry at her how can someone dirt my shirt. I abused her with my words. And you know that was the biggest shit.....because she started crying. It was then again when my heart pained. I don't know why this is happening to me..

Control Amaan... You have to make her hate you..... Right.....

I was thinking of her only when the one and only Afsar came in from the door without knocking and laughing.
And he have the shirt in his hands.
Wait..... He is laughing and he have my shirt in his hand but it should be with Anya.......
Omg Whats going on.

"Why are you laughing." I said irritated.

"OMG ha.. Ha.. Ha your new p.a. Anya is literally so funny OMG ha.. Ha... Ha... .." he said trying to control his laughter.
Wait did he said about Anya....and she is funny I didn't know that....

"What are you doing with my shirt, give me. And how can Anya be funny."
I took my shirt and wore it.

"Oh you know when I was coming here I heard her conversation she was telling your attitude receptionist that she have massaged you so that's why she was having your shirt." he said and again laughed.

Wait what!!!?! Did she really said that she massage me OMG that would be the best moment in my life.... her hands on my shoulder.....oh shut up Amaan.

"Well Amaan why does I feel that I have seen her before somewhere....but where.....let me think.... " he said and ya he knows everything about my past.

"Wait give me your phone." he said while picking it up from my table.

"What the fuck Afsar. Give back my phone." I said.

He was searching something in it but what it is...
"Yes, found it... Shit she is only Anya." he said showing me the picture which I had taken on her 15th birthday secretly.

"No she isn't." I said trying to hide my smile.

"No No you can't lie to me Amaan I know you from 5years. Wait does it mean that she is the one you loved." he said happily.

"But it was past I have already moved on.. And my new mission is her to hate me." I said thinking of her.

"As you wish Mr. Right but I know you and I bet that you will even try to make her hate you but you will now succeed, at the end it will be you who will totally in love with her......and if it doesn't happen then I will make sure to make it happen. Mr. Wrong." he said and I can tell his eyes are telling the truth.

But I'll never let it happen, I swear Ms. Anya. ....

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