Anya pov
When I heard those words I was shocked I mean beyond shocked. How can he do that.
"Do you know what Omerta is.?" he asked I nodded.
"Yes I know what is it. But..."
"What the Hell Zaid please say that you'll not sign Omerta on her. You know that She's innocent. You had put on us we can understand but not her...."Rehaan said.
"I said what I said I cannot trust on anyone. And there's a phrase 'a slip of tongue, a slit of throat.'" he said. No no this can't be happening.
"No!!! I can involve in your world but no I can't sign Omerta!!." I shouted.
"Well Anya you have 2 ways either......" he was saying but I cut him off.
"OK OK I'm sorry I choose the easy way please just..... I'll sign Omerta." I said remembering those ways.
"But Ani...." Afsar said.
"I'm saying that I'll sign Omerta and please just bring those papers to me." I said in whispers.
After few minutes Rehaan brought The papers.
"Here sign them." Zaid said.
I signed the contract. It was really hard to control my tears so I just let them fall. Few drops of my tears fall on the paper. I quickly wipe them and give the papers to Zaid not looking at him.
"Here." I said in whispers he took it and I just ran from there. I just ran from those people especially him.
I ran outside to garden. It was raining but I didn't cared. I just ran and fell on the ground crying. Crying my life out. I cried loudly so loudly in my frustration in my anger. I just cried remembering the past incident. Remembering those moments in my life.
I looked up to the sky. It's still raining and I'm whole left.
"Why-why do you always do that to me!!!" I shouted." what have I done to you.! Did I ever said anything to you did I ever asked you for anything except for one thing and that one thing you have taken from me. Why are you so cruel to me. Why just me......ju..just me." I again broke down. I can't just take it."I want to die.!!!!! Why do you take people's who don't deserve to die. Why not me.!!!." I shouted again still crying.
"Can you please tell me one thing just one thing from my whole 5years I had only asked to give me back what I asked for. But now I just want to know if he's alive if he's happy and if he is then where is he........ Everybody have already thought that he's dead but not me ju..just no...not me..... "
"I don't know Who or what are you talking but I can tell that it's from your heart and I can help you."
I heard someone said behind me. I turned to see that was Zaid. All wet. Ya it's raining heavily. I can't see him clearly due to the tears in my eyes.
"What are you doing here.?" I asked.
He didn't said anything. He just came and sat besides me on the ground. Still looking at me.
"From when you are standing there.?"
"Well you can tell from a long time." he said looking at the sky. Seriously he's making fun of me."So you heard everything." he nodded.
"You really hate him and you really love him." what. " I mean as I heard you you were talking about someone you really love. And you were scolding Him for not letting you meet him. Am I right." a tear slip.
"No you are not right. You'll never able to understand my feelings even nobody is able to understand what I say ..."
"That's what you are wrong at. See if you'll not tell anyone your condition than how can the person understand.
Hmm... ""But what about my cousins what about my best friend they know all about me. Than why they can't understand that he's still there..." I said the last sentence in whispers.
"A person can't understand what you feel until he himself didn't go through that situation. So I can't tell who understands you and who can't." he said. But this time he said the truth.
"Nobody has gone through a situation that I have gone from."
I was still thinking about those words. These types phrases only Amaan he..... No"You really love him don't you." he said.
"More than my life."
"He must be a lucky guy. Right." I shook my head.
"I don't know."
"So you both talk to each other. Where is he.?" he asked. Again a sob escaped my lips.
"Sorry did I just came to a critical topic." I smiled.
"No, I don't know if he's lucky or not I don't know where is he I don't know what he must be doing. I don't know if he's alive or not." I said.
"What if you don't know where he is how can you still love him."
"Shut up!! Don't talk about him like this. He's my everything and even if he's dead my love won't decrease for him. You are saying this cause you haven't been in love before." I said.
He laughed." You don't know anything about me. What do you think that I haven't been in love before well yes I am in love." he said and those words were like an arrow ripping my heart from my body. What's this feeling.
It's called jealousy my Anya.... Shut up."Well who she was?" he was now lookingat me intensely.
"Don't want to talk about it." I nodded.
"I understand.""Why do that to me that in the morning...i mean." he had guilt in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry I'm just so angry nobody had ever decline me. I was drunk and I don't know how did I do that. I'm sorry Anya please forgive me." he said honestly was in his eyes.
"I forgive you." I saw his eyes widened.
I laughed."I mean how can you forgive after what I have done to you." I smiled.
"I said I forgive you." he smiled.
"Thank you Anya that really means a lot." he said and put his hands on mine. We looked at each other for a while then he stood up and reached his hands out. I was confused.
"Don't you wanna get cold do you.?" he asked and I accept his hands and stood up.
We entered the house and was going to our room when I said." Thank you."
"For what." he asked.
"Some things." he raised an eyebrow And I laughed.
I was entering when I heard him say.
"Tomorrow we will be going to the WAREHOUSE ."

Romance{Completed} #1 mafia series "She was the drug for him, a drug which partially mended him and destroyed him." ANYA, moves to New York for having a fresh start, She is kind, caring, loving, trust anyone..........but you don't know her past you don't...