Chapter Nine

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Taylor POV

All I remember is him yelling "You're not gonna leave me!! Never, you're mine forever. No one is going to love you but me.. no one!!" then shortly after everything turned black.

Ryan POV

I hopped in my Audi to drive to Taylor's house. As I walked up the steps the front door was already cracked. I turned on the light and I saw three bags and a lifeless body laying before me. My heart stopped at the sight of Taylor just lying there. I admittedly picked her up and put her inside of my car and rushed her to the hospital. "Help help!! I need a doctor quick. Are y'all deaf?! I said I need a mfn doctor!!" I screamed throughout the hospital. After the nurses and doctors took Taylor to the back all I could do was cry. I had already called Taylor's mom so she should be on her way. "Oh my God. how's my baby?" Mama J said as she rushed over to me. "I haven't heard anything yet. They took her back there. " I said. "The family of Taylor Shaker?" "YES!!" Both Mama J and I said. "Well she was unconscious and took a lot of blows to the head. She's fine though. You may see her. Her room number is 1504. 10th floor." the doctor said. "Thank you!" we responded. After entering the room we asked Taylor how she felt. She said she was okay but I knew that she was worried. "Don't worry, I got you!" I said.

Taylor POV

"Don't worry, I got you!" Ryan said. I can't believe he said that I couldn't help but cry. Dante is wrong, he's not the only one that loves me. Ryan loves me just as much as he does if not even more. *knock knock * (police officer entered) "Hi Ms. Shakur. I'm here to talk to you about the events that has happened today. Can you recall any of it?" Officer Johnson said. "I was getting ready to leave my boyfriend because I found out that he has been lying to me about his lifestyle and I... " I said but I was cut off by Officer Johnson. "What do you mean about his lifestyle?" Officer Johnson stated as she looked suspicious. "He has kids by two other women and he's a hm. he's a -." I stuttered. "A what? you have to tell us so that we can get to the bottom of this." Officer stated. "He's a drug dealer and he beats me. He beats me, he beats me!! I can't take it anymore. He beats me to death. He beat me tonight and that's why I'm here. Everyone was right he's no good and I deserve better." I cried hysterically. I'm so broken and I don't even know what to do. "Last question what's his name? " officer said seeming concerned. "Dante Davidson." I looked down. "Thank you, that's all I needed to know." Officer Johnson stated before walking out of the room. Shortly after I fell asleep with my mom and Ryan still by my side.

Dante POV

I was doing 80 in a 45 zone. I needed a hiding place and quick. I knew by now that someone had found Taylor and that she's probably at the hospital. I have to get out of town, maybe go to Hawaii until things lay off. "Aye bruh. meet me at the airport. Pack your shit we gotta get out of here. " I told my boy Mashon. "Alright one. bet." he said. I pulled up to the airport. I hate that I gotta leave under these circumstances but it is what it is. I'd rather run away from my problems than do time in jail. "Wassup bruh. I got our tickets right here. Plan leaves in 30 minutes. We got plenty of time. " Mashon said. "Yeah, cool. Let's grab something to eat from McDonald's over there." I said. We was sitting down talking about all of the Hawaiian hoes we gone pull until I felt someone tap me on my shoulders. As I turned around slowly I knew my plan has finally sunk. "Dante Davidson, you're under arrest for the murder of Paul Carson and for domestic violence of Taylor Shakur, and also drug charges." After they read me my rights I screamed to my bruh "Aye, meet me at the county jail with my lawyer and parents. Hurry up!' I felt my life crashing down. Karma really is a bitch.

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