Blessings and Hope

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Blessings and Hope


[8/1, 16:36] VT: Its a rainy day today at my place
[8/1, 16:36] VT: We are blessed with not so hot weather today.
[8/1, 16:36] VT: God is good
[8/1, 16:36] VT: 🙏

[8/1, 16:38] Marilyn: It's raining here too
[8/1, 16:38] Marilyn: Praise the Lord

[8/1, 16:40] VT: Ok. Yes have been praying for rain as it has been too hot recently the past few days until I nearly got a heatstroke again. I had one last week

[8/1, 16:41] VT: Thanks for agreeing with me sis Marilyn.
The Lord is good. He indeed knows our needs and desires and will give us the best

[8/1, 16:41] Marilyn: Hallelujah. He knows what's best for us.

[8/1, 16:44] VT: Yes. I will trust him in leading me in my future career path and also life changing decisions. We will be blessed right?

[8/1, 16:46] Marilyn: Yes

[8/1, 16:46] Marilyn: Jeremiah 29:11-13 NKJV For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

[8/1, 19:08] VT: 🙏👌God bless

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