𝐯. 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧

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❝ Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up. 

Anne Lamott

THE MOON WAS LOW IN THE SKY WHEN THE TRIO FINALLY REACHED A VILLAGE. At Zuko's insistence, they'd headed straight towards the Avatar – much to Shia's chagrin. She'd been sandwiched between the two royals for a while, and sleeping was difficult when the only viable headrest was Zuko's back (Shia wanted to keep her life, so she forced herself to stay awake). As a result, this was her third day of sleeplessness. How were Zuko and Iroh still alert?

Shia's attention returned to their surroundings when the rhino lurched to a halt and Zuko sprung to the ground. Reluctantly, Shia got down and took the reins from the prince so that the animal would stay put. Iroh stayed in his seat as Zuko turned wordlessly to approach a home – judging by its size and position, it was the home of the village chief.

It didn't take too long for a man to emerge from the dwelling. Shia couldn't see his face, but she had the nagging feeling that Zuko was smirking.

"Having trouble sleeping?" Zuko shoved the man back and stepped in after him, his voice dripping with venom that Shia could sense even from afar. "Have you seen the Avatar lately?"

After he'd interrogated the village chief for information regarding the Avatar, Zuko had demanded that they return to the ship. Shia guided the rhino back to their ship, which took far less time than it had before since they knew where they were headed. When they returned, Iroh retreated below deck to clothe himself and Zuko began to belt orders left and right. Shia returned the rhino to its stall below deck and rewarded it with a meal, before taking a short nap in her room. When she awoke and returned to the upper deck, it was afternoon, and Iroh was admonishing Zuko.

"Sailing into Fire Nation waters?" Iroh gestured wildly, "Of all the things you have done in your sixteen years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish!"

Shia paused behind Iroh and watched the interactions between him and his nephew with a bemused expression. Zuko was standing at the rail, squinting through his spyglass with his back to them. "I have no choice, Uncle."

"Have you completely forgotten that the Fire Lord banished you?!" Iroh responded hotly, "what if you are caught?!"

Zuko finally looked away from the instrument in his hands, his ponytail whipping about wildly in the breeze. "I'm chasing the Avatar! My father will understand why I'm returning home!"

"You give him too much credit," Iroh retorted, crossing his arms, "my brother is not the understanding type!"

Zuko didn't respond, and turned back to the spyglass to continue his pursuit of the Avatar.

"Helmsman! Full steam ahead!"

The humming of the ship's engine beneath their feet increased, and they ploughed through the water at an even greater speed than before. Shia watched as the centre of the deck split in two and a catapult rose from within the ship. Zuko turned to her, having finally parted from the telescope.

"Cut the rope on my signal."

Shia glanced at Iroh out of the corner of her eyes before inclining her head slightly to convey that she understood, easing her guandao to rest over the rope that bound the catapult.

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