The crew reunites!Zoro's Confession!

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Da last filler chapter!Bear with me everyone.

Then it hit him.He was indeed the infamous swordsman of the mugiwara crew.Iori hit himself mentally for not realising it.

"Why, you look rather surprised?"asked Zoro puzzled.

"Uhh...nothing."Iori said hesitatingly. He then gasped on seeing the captain . Monkey D. Luffy.The man with a 300,000,00 belli price on his head was standing in front of him!

"Zoroo!Why haven't you beaten the crap out of them already!?"Luffy said frowning.

"Was just going to do it.Just got caught up."Zoro said and glanced towards a scared Iori.

"Ne whose this?"Nami asked analysing the scared Iori.

"Uhh..writer?Or maybe a singer too?"said Zoro.

Luffy stared at Iori and then gave him a wide toothy grin.Iori smiled weakly at him, coming out from behind of Zoro.

"Anyways Zoro!Lets get out of here!"Nami said sighing.

"Don't order me around witch."Zoro said but in a second Luffy started hitting Zoro on his head.

"Bakaaa~Don't call Nami that!"Luffy said punching hin lightly on his head.Zoro saw a faint tint of pink on Nami's cheeks while he smirked.

So the idiot can fall in love too.

"Hai hai.Lets go for now."Zoro said and asked Iori to follow him.

"GOMU GOMU NO GATTALING!"Luffy shouted and broke open the cage bars.Iori stared in disbelief, not moving an inch while Zoro tilted his head as if asking him whats wrong.

"I..I...Stuck about 5..yrs and..and in a second he just.."he stuttered dumbfounded.

"I understand. Its our way of doing things."Zoro smirked as they all ran out.

They ran out straight while breaking all the walls between them, attracting a LOT OF attention.All the hooded assassins and Draco's men came running towards them with guns and knives in there hands.Luffy and Zoro looked towards each other and smirked.

"Nami, Iori back off."Zoro said.
"Whoever beats the most gets the loser's meat for two weeks."Luffy said grinning.
"Deal."Zoro said as they both took off.

Several men came towards Luffy shooting bullets at him but much to there dismay and surprise, they all bounced back to them.

"Th..this MAN HAS DEVIL'S FRUIT'S ABILITY!"one of them shouted while the others stared.

"GOMU GOMU NO GATTALING!"Luffy shouted knocking out most of them in a heartbeat.

While on the other hand, Zoro was surrounded by a group of assassins with swords.

"We will show your the sword skills of our guild, Roronoa Zoro!"

Before they could even unsheathe their swords, Zoro took out one of his swords and concentrated.

"One sword style:Onigiri!"he shouted and all the men were down.

"Wh..what monstrous strength.."Iori said in disbelief.

"I know right. I also used to be surprised but now I am used to it all time."Nami said giggling.

No matter how easily Zoro and Luffy defeated them, they kept on coming.

"Dammit..they just keep on wriggling. "Zoro said fighting.

"Hmph.I will use that then."Luffy said.

He started sucking his leg, inflating it.
"THIRD GEAR:AXE!"he said as his leg was now inflated like a huge balloon.All the men shivered and started running in fear.

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