*chapter 2* the park

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I walk away from school. Aphmau showed me all her friends, they were nice but Travis and Dante are weird. I walk home and open my door. I try not to say anything so my dad doesn't hear me. I walk in and my dad's standing there really mad. Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!  I think. "You brat!! Why did you get detention!! " he yells. I start to shake and he slaps my face. My mom isn't home to help me though....


"Now if you want another slap, don't bring me anymore trouble. " he says walking away. "Not like you don't already abuse me... " I say softly. "What was that?! " he yells. He speed walks over and punches my face which causes a split lip that is bleeding bad. He walks away into his room, I just slowly walk to mine.

Next morning

I get ready and walk downstairs. I see my drunk, asleep father lying on the couch with a beer in his hands. I had to put some make-up on to cover the slap mark but unfortunately the split lip was unfixable. I quietly grab my bag and go out the door and start walk in to school. A few people asked why I had a split lit but I just said I tripped. I'm heading to my next class when I get shoved to a locker. It's gene and his 'shadow knights'. He held my arms against the locker, "well well kitten?  What are yo- wait what is that? " he asks pointing at my lip and let's go of my arms. "Nothing, i-i just tripped. " I said shaking. "No." He replies. "What? " I say confused. "I know a split lip from a punch when I see one. " he says, with an angry expression. I gulp "I-its not!  I ju-just tripped! " I say shaking more. "Stop.. I know you were punched but by who? " he asks with pleading eyes. Why?  Why is he helping me?? A tear falls from my eye. "I-i can't.. " I say softly. "Fine... " he says and walks off just like that. What just happened?

After school

Ok that was my last class. Hmm I'll go home and then the park. I'm on our front porch and I open the door slowly. Good hes still asleep. I went up stairs to change out of my uniform. I change in a f/c crop top and ripped/or not jeans. I walk down stairs with my phone and my fathers awake. "Where are you going? " he asks. "To the park... Alone. " I say because he hates it if I have friends. Probably wondering 'where's my mom' well her work shifts are usually day time so she can get away from this death place we call home. "Why?! " he asks getting angry. I don't answer, because what do I say? "Answer me you brat! " he yells. He walks over and grabs my hair, and punches me in the stomach. "Please s-stop! " I yell in pain. "Fine you know what go!  But don't come back until tomorrow! " he yells at me. He throw a beer bottle and it shaders at the impact of it hitting my back. I run outside and slam the door closed. I only have my wallet, jacket and phone though. I check my wallet and I only have $50. ill go to the park anyways, but I have some blood on my back from the glass. I can feel some glass in my back but I can't do anything,  so I just put the jacket on to cover my back and I fix my hair. But I can't do anything about the tears. I manage to stop crying but I have tear stains on my cheeks. I'm at the park and stroll around a bit. I see some people and I notice its the shadow knights so I just speed walk past them but they saw me. "Hey kitten what are doing here all alone? " Sasha asks.

Gene P. O. V.

"Hey kitten what are doing here all alone? " Sasha asks. "Just a stroll" y/n says with her head down. I walk up to her and lift her chin so I can see her face. She has tear stains on her cheeks. "Why we're you crying? " I ask. Honestly I was mad, I didn't want anyone to make her cry,  NO ONE.  "N-nothing." She says wiping her face. I look at her back and it looks like a little blood bled through. I rip off her jacket and look at her back. It was bleeding a lot with glass in it.

Y/NS P. O. V.

He rips off my jacket and looks at me back with glass in it. He grabbed my hand and pushed me into his car, leaving Sasha and Zenix. "I-ill get blood on your car. " I say unsure why I'm here. "I don't care. " he says start in the car and driving away. "Where are we going? " I ask him. "My house." He answers. I just nod. We pull in his driveway and get out. He takes me to his room and sits me on his bed. "Why am I here? " I ask him. "So we can fix your cuts. " he responds. "Why are you helping me?  I'm not worth helping!  You don't care about me your just a bully. " I say to him. "I'm helping you because you need help. Your not worth nothing and yes I'm a bully but that doesn't mean I don't have a heart. " he says grabbing the first aid kit. "This might hurt. " he says grabbing twesers and starts to pull out the glass from my back. I flinch a little but he does it softly so it doesn't hurt as bad. Once he's done he wraps up my back. "So, what happened? " he asks. "I-i can't tell you... " I say softly. "Look I can't help you if you don't tell me. And aren't your parents worried?" He asks. "If I tell you you can't help me... And my parents don't care... " I reply. "Fine, you can stay here for the night since its already dark out. Want to watch a movie? " he asks. "Sure." I respond.

We watch some movies in his room for about 4 hours. "I-it was my fa-father. " I say starting to cry. "What? " he asks not understanding. "It was m-my father who did this to me. " I say tears streaming from my eyes. "What?!  Why would he do this to you?! " he yells. "I told you my parents don't care... " I say softly. He hugs me. "Look, don't tell anyone about this ok? " he ask hugging me. I just nod. "Ok. so you can hangout with us whenever, you don't have to be apart if you don't want to though. " he says patting my head. "Thanks." I say hugging him back.


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Word count:  1175

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