*chapter 4* slapping guys

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You will see what I mean...


I was at genes and Dante walks down from up stairs. "Hey cutie~" he says winking at me. I just role my eyes in response. "Go away Dante. " gene say a little annoyed. "Fine fine. " he says putting his hands up in surrender. He walks up stairs and gene and I just giggle. "Ok we will watch (fav movie)  one more time, then go to bed. " he tells me. I'm sleeping on the couch here. I like to hang out with gene but sometimes he can be a jerk.

"Kitten? " he asks. "What? " I say in an annoyed tone. "Hehe. Anyways its time for bed. " he tells me. "OK,  but please stop calling me that. " I say still annoyed. "No,...... Kitten. 😏" he says. "Oh no you don't! " I yell about to grab him but he runs into his room and locks it."I'll get you one day. " I Mummble to myself. 

Morning time is here 🎼🎶🎵

I wake up to a Dante looking at me. "What do you want? " I ask very sleeply. "This." He says. "Hu-" I was cut off by his lips connecting with mine. I push him away Imedeitly. "Dante! " I yell tearing up. He try to kiss me again but I slap him in the face.

He looked shocked, but I just grabbed my stuff and ran out the door. "Y/n! " I hear someone yell but it wasn't Dante it was gene. He grabs my wrist and I face him. Tears running down my face. "What happened? " he asks worried.

OK stop the time here!  You may think, 'oh my gosh she's a cry baby he only kissed her' or 'why does she cry a lot? ' and I will tell you here and now. Hmm where to start,... Oh here is good. So when I was younger, I had a boyfriend. He wasn't a good one though. Everytime he kissed me he would always hurt me. Physicaly and mentally. So when Dante kissed me against my will it made me think of that... So that explains it. It reminds me of how I was abused my him and my father. He didn't truly love me so whenever someone kisses me I don't feel love I feel............ Pain...

"Please y/n...tell me? " he asks with care in his voice. "C-can I tell you a-at the park? " I ask still crying. "Sure."

At the park after u told him everything.

"Y/n I'm, so sorry. " he says hugging me. "It's ok. It just reminded me of that. " I told him. "I guess you could say that was my first real kiss. " I told him. "No, not really. You know he only kissed you because he thought you were hot. " he says tilting his head down. "I know. " I say lifting up him chin. We both lean in and......






































He hugged me. (Ha you thought they were gonna kiss!!  XD) I was shocked he hugged me in public. Even though he did it like 1 minute ago. He usually looks around to see if there are people around to see him hug me. "G-gene people are around. " I tell him. "I don't care... Not anymore. " he tells me and I hug back. "Thank you... " I whisper to him. "Anytime kitten. " he whisper back. I CAN JUST TELL HE'S SMIRKING RIGHT NOW!!  GET I HATE HIM SOMETIMES!!

whatever... He's still my best friend.


Hope you liked it!!!  Bai!!

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