*chapter 10* leaving

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I can't believe I have to walk home alone.


In text

Mom-hey when you get
home we need to talk...

Ok? Be there soon

End text

That was weird...

~time skip~

I walk to the door and open it and I only see my dad.

"Dad? Where's mom? " I ask confused becauses he said she wanted to talk. "Gone! " he yells. "Gone? What do you mean?? " I ask starting to freak out.

Is she OK??!?! Is she hurt?!? Dead?!?

"She left! " he yells.

What? She what?! She left me to deal with him... Alone!!!

"And it's your fault! " he yells. "What!? How is it my fault!! " I yell. That was my first time really talking back to him...

"You! You are a waste of space! Just die! " he yells slapping me, so hard I fall to the ground. He kicks me in the side as I crawl to the door. I open the door and jump to my feet. "Don't come back!! " he yells slamming the door.

I'm alone. Again. I have no home and no family. The only place I know where to go is... Gene.

All I have is my phone and wallet. That's all. Nothing else, no clothes besides the ones I'm wearing. No food, no water and no phone charger.

I guess I have to go back to gene again. All my problems I keep dumping all on him.

I start to walk to genes with a bruise on my face and on my side. I knock on his door. I wait about a second or two and the I hear the door unlock and squeak open. Then I see his face. I didn't cry until I saw his face. That's when I broke down into a full on sob.

"I-im so sor-sorry! " I say between sobs. "Shhh it's ok. " he says rubbing my back.

Genes P. O. V.

I was watching TV when I hear a knock on the door. I walk over, unlock the door and open it. That's when I saw y/n standing at my door all beaten and bruised. She broke down crying and I pulled her into a hug.

Grrrr why does her father keep doing this!!

"I-im so sor-sorry! " she says in between sobs. "Shhh it's ok. " I say rubbing her back to comfort her.

A few minutes pass and her sobs turned in to cries which turned into whimpers and that turned into little sniffles. I picked her up and put her on my couch. "I'm sorry. " she says softly. "Why? " I ask grabbing some Advil for the bruise. "Because I keep coming to your for help, I dump my problems on you, and I never do anything in return. I'm horrible! Im a terrible friend! I'm a terrible daughter! I'm so bad my mom left me!! My dad kicked me out! Im-im starting to believe what my dad says. I'm a waste of space and need to die. " she yells covering her face.

I snap and grab her hands. "No! Stop. You are not horrible and you are not a waste of space. You are a great friend because you can light up a room when you enter it. And you do not most certainly need to die. " I say hugging her so tight afraid to let her go because some one might take her away from me.

"Ok do you have any more bruises? " I ask her. She shakes her head and lifts her shirt. Not enough to show anything but enough to make be blush like a mad man. I can see a pretty big bruise though. "Ok, so take this Advil and you should start feeling better within a hour. " I say hand in her the Advil and she puts her shirt down.

"Thanks." She says engulfing me in a bear hug. I wrap my arms around her waist. "Anytime kitten~" I say smirking. I can hear/feel her growl into my chest. Then we both laugh.

"Hey gene? " she asks. I hmm in response. "I know this is strange but can I stay with you?  My dad kinda kicked me out. At least till tomorrow then I'll probably stay with aph. " she asks blushing a little and putting a loose strand behind her ear.

"Sure. I'm sure my brother and mom won't mind you staying one night. " I smile at her. "Thanks! " she says show in a closed eye smile.

How can this girl be so happy even through everything that happened??  She can smile even at a time like this. This girl shows the world that there is always something worth living for.

After that we just cuddled and watched TV all night but she eventually fell asleep.


OK that took awhile!  I'm not good at romance mainly because I'm a single Pringle! 😏😏😏😊😊😊😊 but I hope you still enjoyed it!!!


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