Chapter two

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Recap: hmm funny coincidence... 🤣🤣 SuKor Met their fiancés.

Suraj was laughing 😂. "So What was your name?. I mean by now my name is clear.. Suraj Narayan Rajvanshi!".

Chakor was breathing heavily. "C.. Ch... Cha...!". The kids shook their heads. "Will you go further then Cha?".

Chakor looked at the kids in anger. "Chakor!". She shouts and looked at Suraj. "Chakor, wait are you Chakor Khanna? The one with the skyline project! Wow your entered project was awesome I somewhere wished you the death as you got the deal but when I saw the design I was impressed! Good job!". He stretched his hand.

Chakor was numb. What the hell he knows about my work and even liked it... damn it.

Suraj was waiting but she didn't react. He shrugs and took his hand.

"Uncle you look handsome!". A girl said to him and Suraj smiles. "Thank You! My princess. What is your name?".

She hides her face behind behind her grandfather and shies.

Suraj pouts. "My name is Suraj. She is Chakor and you all are?". He was asking them very politely which surprised her even more.

Oh God did I made a mistake? I mean Tina described him like a jerk. And he is so... so... oh God so Cute!

The grandfather smiles. "She is Paakhi 😁, very mischief never listens to us and always wants to have the last word!. The has Bablu ☺️, very cute one but he eats a lot we did tried to stop him but...!. Then we have Mala 🙈, she is the scared one but the cutest of all. She always obey to us!".

Suraj smiles. "Nice!. You know I had planned to have a lot of children, but then I got to know I'm not able to become a father so I open up child support house. Who helpless children. I thought why to adopt one when I can help a lot!".

Mala appears again in front of him. She sat on Suraj lap and looked out of the window. "Bird!". They looked out and saw a swarm of birds.

Suraj looked at Chakor. "Maybe they are here to call her. After all she is Chakor the free bird!". Mala suppressed her laugh holding her hands in front of her mouth.

Chakor pouts. "Well tell me one thing! How could this whole confusion of this wrong groom happened?".

Suraj was surprised. "Loh {you heard} I thought she would asked me how I become impotent but she is asking me how her best friend considered my brother Neil to be me and even mixed his name with my best friend Vivaan! Btw my brother doesn't know I runaway only Vivaan does know it! Haha!". He was laughing like a mad and Mala too laughs with him.

Bablu made his way to Chakor. "Aunty you don't worry I on your side good you runaway otherwise no baby's and I'm sure you want some baby's someday!".

Chakor was numb. "You know what impotent means?". She asked him shocked.

Bablu shook his head. "No Aunty, but uncle said he can't have children so I thought that must be the reason why you didn't married him and runaway!". He looked at her with big blinking eyes.

Chakor shook her head. "I'm young don't think about kids yet. Now I really wonder how he got to know about his weakness! Suraj Tell na! We are ready to hear your pain- and pitiful story!".

Suraj shook his head. "Sorry but I can't tell you. You are all strangers to me! It's too personal! Is she mad kids are here! Doesn't she has some sense!".

The grandmother stood up and tried to carry the bag down from the luggage storage.

Chakor stood up and helped her.

Suraj looked at her. Strong and fast. Not bad. I thought of a baby doll like girl but she seems to be very mature but yet very immature how can she ask me this I was just joking...

Chakor carried the back and the granny took out some boxes of food. *grrrrrg*. They all looked at Chakor, who was having a blush on her face....

Chakor sat back on her seat and Bablu took the tiffin box. "Aunty come we will eat... I guess because of the wedding with him you were on diet, right! It's okay you look good! Here eat!". He took out a paratha which was bathing in butter... Chakor🤤🤤🤤. "Thank you!".

Suraj was looking at her. Wow she can eat like a man... wow 😮 30 sec and the paratha is gone. What will she do now?.

Bablu was amazed. "Aunty no no you are too smart to be an Aunty. Di... too good come have more! And here water!". Chakor nods and gave him a warm smile. "Thank you!". She ate with him and drunk the water. *blup*.

Oh wow I thought she won't do that... that was even a better one than of Vivaan's, he lost against a woman! Hahaha...

Suraj was looking at Mala. "You don't want to eat?". Mala shook her head. "You want?". Suraj shook his head. "No, I'm scared she might eat me too! But don't worry I will keep you save I will sacrifice myself for you!". Mala laughs. "Haan okay!".

"What? I'm not that hungry that I would eat a child or an ugly man like you!".


Fight or love ???

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The runaway Couple - SuKor (under editing/completed)Where stories live. Discover now