Chakor the angry 'Wife'

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Recap: Suraj shared a great bounding with Naani. Chakor is angry and somewhere jealous.

Chakor was looking at them from the door entrance. Suraj felt a cold shudder, he didn't liked the way she was glaring at him. Suraj beta she will make you sleep on the couch or ground. Na na na, I will make her sleep there hihi.

Suraj stretches his arms and yawns audible, "Naani Maa can I sleep on your lap? I'm missing my mom and as we runaway I can't call her or else she will get to know where we are," he said in a heartbreaking way that Naani melt down.

"Suraj there is no need to ask, just take it." She sat on the bed head and Suraj smiles, "Thank you so much Naani Maa, now Chakor has time to change and cook, we will have some time alone either to talk or to rest. Whatever you want," he rested his head on her lap, while she was caressing his head.

Chakor fumes, she made a fist and stamps into her own bedroom, "Naani Maa I will change my clothes and then I will go and prepare some food for my husband and you."

Chakor looked for the bags and found hers, she opens it and covers it with herself, Suraj was trying to get a glimpse of her cloth style, "Naani Maa being married means to cover as much as possible, right?" He looked at her and she confuses, "What you want to say?" She questioned him.

Suraj smirks, "Naani Maa I'm a very possessive and jealous man. I can't see my wife in short dresses or body showing clothes, she is my wife, my Pride no other man has a right to see her, the way I do."

Somewhere Chakor felt annoyed at the same time she liked his thought, he isn't wrong. If they would be married for real neither would she like it if another woman would trolling herself on him.

Naani Maa smiles, "Suraj do you want Chakor to wear a full shalwaar Khameez?"

Suraj shook his head, "No Naani Maa, I won't her to decided to wear her clothes according to the fact she is married now. It's not me, who will decide it, it's only her," he was smirking knowing his words will ring in her brain like an alarm clock.

Chakor vanished with her clothes and come out wearing.

Chakor vanished with her clothes and come out wearing

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"Naani Maa. It is my first Rasooi per ritual. You promise me not to scold me," she was waiting for a reply sitting on the end of the bed. Suraj wanted to kick her, but hold himself back. "Why are you asking Naani Maa? You are my wife and ask me not to scold you, not that I would, but it is me whom you have to impress with your cooking skills!"

Chakor nods reluctantly, "So you won't scold me, Whatever I will make you will eat it?" She asked him and he nods, "Yes, you may go now and call us only if the food is ready." He closed his eyes and fallen asleep.

Chakor fumes. Does he thinks I'm his servant or what? He has no idea what he had done, he has awaken the anger in me. Let's see how long you can be the favourite of MY Naani.

Chakor was downstairs in the kitchen, she was making the food. I will add a little bit more spiciness to the food otherwise how will he have the fun?

Chakor had prepared everything and marked some of the food, only visible for her.

She come up and saw him sleeping peacefully on the lap of her Naani, anger raised in her. You are not going to steal my place.

Chakor come closer and started to wake her granny, she smiles, "Naani Maa the food is ready please come and have some of it."

Naani nods and come down, both had decided to let him sleep. All praised her food and Suraj was still sleeping, when he felt lonely.

Suraj opens his eyes and was searching for Naani, he shocked looking on the watch.

Suraj come down with sleepy eyes, "Why didn't you wake me?" He come and sat next to Naani, they had all finished their food and were having a chat.

Chakor comes and filled his plate, "Naani Maa see I'm serving him, but I'm scared he will taunt me for my miserable cooking skills."

Naani shook her head, "I'm sure he will love it, right?"

Suraj smiles, "Of course I will, Naani Maa it's the first time she is cooking for me. I know she gave extra effort in it, I have to praise it."

Suraj took the first bite and turned red, the heat of the chilli was colouring his cheeks, he was badly sweating, "Milk?" His voice stuck in his throat.

Chakor looked at him, "Why?" She asked innocently and Suraj understood all her plan. "I made Lassi..." she licks her lips, "yummy!" She filled his glass and he drunk it, feeling more restlessness, his stomach was aching. The bottom of his glass had some chilli powder no one could see it as the glass was out if steal.

They saw him eating and he gulped it all down, he was sweating badly. Chakor took her shawl and wipes his sweat away, "Poor you. What is wrong?"

Suraj shook his head, "nothing," he was weak and then he stood up and left for the washroom.

Chakor had mixed more into the glass... 😆

Suraj was resting the washroom not coming out. Chakor I won't leave you! You gave me laxative, you stupid girl. I will take revenge Naani is mine.

Chakor was back in her room, she smiles bright. Suraj hasn't left the washroom, he felt embarrassed. Chakor falls back on the bed and fall asleep....

Fire on
SuKor nhok jhok
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