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Recap: Chakor tried to get closer to Suraj.

It was the next morning, Suraj was looking at her in anger. Gosh this girl is annoying me. I have nothing to wear and she tried to take advantage of this. Not only this I become weak I have to stay strong.

He pushes her and she rolls down the bed, "Ouch!" She shouts and rubs her head as she fall on her front side.

Chakor looked at him in anger, "what for was this now?" She pouts and stood up.

"I need clothes. Did you washed any of the clothes? What can I wear without having the itching on my parts!" He was fuming and she smirks.

"Well Suraj you can stay here naked in my panty or you have to wear whatever I give you."

Suraj was looking at her, she wasn't staring at him but ogling at him.

He places his hands on his chest in a protective way, "Okay give me something to wear."

Chakor smiles, she stood up and opens the door of the room. She left and come in after 10 min.

Suraj was looking at her, "where these clothes come from?"

Chakor smiles, "these belonged to my grandfather." She closed the door behind her, "Listen Suraj. I'm sorry about the itching prank, but I really don't like it that you are taking all the advantage of this situation. My Naani is so sweet and I know I dragged you in, but you saw Parth I couldn't marry him."

Suraj nods, "Yes, I know. Maybe I misused the situation a little bit."

Chakor rolls her eyes, "just a little bit?" She pouts, but gave him the clothes. He come out in.

Chakor looked at him, "not bad

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Chakor looked at him, "not bad. I'm sure Naani will like it, but don't over play the game. I don't want to hurt her, if she will get hurt knowing the truth."

Suraj come closer, he hold her hand, "don't worry I will try not to make it more difficult for her or you." Chakor nods, they come down together.

Naani was upset, she had finished her breakfast earlier and didn't gave them any heed.

SuKor were confused, "Chakor I think she is angry."

Chakor glares at him, "oh really I would never think of that!" Suraj pouts.

"Naani Maa?" Both called her, but she didn't reacted, she left the mansion.

SuKor looked at each other, "where is she going?" Both rushed out, but she was gone. They only saw the dust, which was left from the car.

Suraj and Chakor were sitting at the dining table. They were alone and with empty stomach.

Suraj looked at her, "you know you have no qualities to be a wife!"

Chakor looked at him, "Suraj I thought we want to sort it out, but you are blaming me?"

Suraj shook his head, "Chakor you are not listening to me. You don't have the qualities better you do what you can do the best, by the way what do you can do the best?"

Chakor looked at him, "I'm good at sports and work. I love my family, but I need my freedom. I hate it to be controlled."

Suraj nods, "yeah I can understand. I have the same opinion, mom and dad always tried to control me. I had to study what they had planned me to do. They had asked me to do this, to do that, but never asked me what I want. Then a few weeks before mom come. 'Suraj I saw a girl you will marry her'.

I was like hell no, I have my own mind and life let me take the decision of it. I don't need a controlling wife. Parents are enough!"

Chakor nodded holding his hand, "you are so right. I don't need a husband, who controls me day and night. I love to hangout with my friends or go on dinners with them."

Suraj smiles, "yes! Or just have a conversation on sports or the latest cars etc.?"

Chakor agrees, "the new gossips around the stars."

The both were talking about their life's, which were controlled by their parents. Seeing the similarities between them they got more community than before, Suraj stood up and started to make something to eat.

Chakor could smell the food, "Suraj you have definitely the qualities to be a perfect husband!"

Suraj smiles, "I love to cook, I have my own dream of a restaurant but my parents made me to a business man!"

Chakor places her hand on his shoulder, "you know you can start from here? I mean Naani can support you!"

Suraj shook his head, "no way. You have no idea, what I have done through these years."

Chakor looked at her, "means?"

He looks at her, "I have made myself capable to be a founder of many charities. I have earned the money and spent it for helpless kids. Today I have many kids, who needs me. If don't want to leave the job neither them my time is for them. The reason why 'I can be a father!' Is that I'm a father of more than 200 kids. How can I have my own kids if their are so many, who have no one?"

Chakor was numb, "Wait you... oh my God. You are so cute and I thought you are a rich jerk you just live on his father's money. Sorry for misunderstanding you."

Suraj shook his head, "it's okay. I think you are just not ready to be a wife as you haven't lived your life yet, right?!"

Chakor nods, "Yes, all was controlled. I always wanted to be abroad, but mom and dad were scared of my life. If something could happen to me or I could do something, but hey I can do everything here too!" She winks at him.

Suraj put the food in her mouth, "you are a virgin you were just tricking me to get to know if I'm a gay or not!"

She coughs the food got stucked in her throat, Suraj pats her back and gave her water to drink. "How do you know?"

Suraj smirks, "the previous night you were so embarrassed that I understood it."

Chakor hits him, "fine!" She looks at him and forwarded her hand.

"Suraj do you want to be my friend?"

Suraj smiles, "aren't we already friends, I mean I saved you from Parth!"

Chakor hugs him, "okay friends!"

There was a noise...

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The runaway Couple - SuKor (under editing/completed)Where stories live. Discover now