Oh shit

229 44 76


Target 30 wasn't reached still I'm posting it

Recap: maturity between SuKor and closing friendship

Suraj looked at her, "did you heard it?"

Chakor nods, the sweat drops were visible on her temple, "what if it is Naani?"

Suraj shook his head, "don't say something like this, have you lost your mind!"

*clap clap 👏 *

They heard the clap and nearing footsteps. Both confuses and come out of the kitchen, there he was standing.

"Parth?!" They shout in union.

"Yes me, now tell me fake couple what is going on in your mind. Did you really thought you would succeed and no one will find out?"

Suraj starts to laugh, *Hahahaha*

Chakor was totally confused. What happened to him?

Suraj took Chakor's hand in his, "Wifey it looks like he heard something about your new story, but let him prove it's not about us." He pulls her close and was an inch away from him.

"Okay." She said in a kind way of trance into his magical eyes.

Suraj seals her lips, while she reciprocates to him.

*Cough cough*

SuKor stopped their lips were like gluing together, it took them time to break apart.

"Naani Maa." Chakor said and hugs her tight.

"Uff you two are too much, these kind of things you have to do in your bedroom, not here at the dining room," she playfully hits Chakor and then went to Suraj to twist his ear.

"Aah Naani Maa it's hurting." She stopped and Suraj pouts, "why you stopped, I just said it's hurting I didn't asked you to stop. It's okay give them same way of love to my other ear." He just turns his face and Naani twisted the other ear as well.

Parth was numb, he couldn't do it say anything as the picture in front of Naani was clear.

Chakor smirks seeing him, she went to Suraj and 'mistakenly' thread over Prath's feet.

"Ouch!" He screams in pain and Chakor hugs Suraj tightly. She murmurs something no one could understand, but then Suraj fumes.

"Can't you see? You could have hurt her. Idiot."

Parth widen his eyes, "I screamed in pain!"

Suraj looked at him, "like really, you know it sounds like a woman shout. Maybe you should work on your voice."

Chakor was suppressing her laugh, he could feel her grip tightening on him, he couldn't breath much, but it was enough to move with her.

Naani had some shoppers in her hand, "Chakor, leave me." He struggles to release himself from her grip, she pouts.

"Suraj not fair, first you wanted the kiss now I want a hug and it become a crime?" She looks away and Suraj kisses her cheek.

"Useless girl look at Naani Maa."

Chakor pouts, "excuse me my Naani Maa is cool."

Suraj hits his forehead, he took the shoppers from Naani Maa and gave them to Chakor, "I will get the rest, this guy is useless like my Wife." He left with fake anger.

Chakor carries the shoppers into the kitchen, she helped Naani and Parth come out to talk with Suraj.

"You are a con, I will expose you. You are trying to get the wealth of the family and I won't let that happen. Three days the true is out and you too." He gave him the warning and left from there.

Idiot fool, three days I will sent you to mental asylum. Don't mess with me I'm Suraj Rajvanshi, I will play as long as my friend is in need. And for now I will play extra lovely, because I can't see her with you... 😖.

A cold shudder rundown Chakor's spine.

Naani looked at her, "what happened to my princess?"

Chakor shook her head, "Nothing Naani Maa. Maybe I'm getting a flue." They placed the food in the fridge or storage room.

Naani was looking they didn't had eaten anything yet. She shook her head in disbelief and starts to curse them.

Suraj come with the rest of her shopping, "Naani Maa, we were to start with the food, but then Parth come in," he lowers his gaze.

Suraj took a deep breath, "Naani Maa that man thinks that Chakor and I are playing a married couple. I don't know how to explain you, but he come in and accused me having an affair with HIS WIFE!"

Naani shocked, "Naani Maa this is exactly the same expression Suraj had." Chakor said to her playing accordingly to Suraj game.

Suraj nods, "Naani Maa, his accusation was the reason why I kissed her all of a sudden. By now you must get to know, how shy I am in this..."
Chakor was suppressing her laugh hiding behind Naani, she had placed her palm on her mouth.

Naani Maa went closer to him, "Suraj so you kissed Chakor to explain him she is your wife?"

Suraj nods, "haan Naani Maa, he is saying that Chakor is his wife, he married her and I come as a fraud to get your wealth. But Naani Maa Google me I don't need money."

Please don't google me, please God!

Naani smiles, "why would I google you? I trust you fully." She caresses his cheek and made him weak.

I can't break her heart and trust, but  I'm not gonna let this Parth win. By the way google me I'm the fiancé of Chakor no if's no buts it's the true fact 😏.

Chakor and Suraj ate together with Naani, they both were in their room.

"Suraj good timing of kiss."

Suraj looked at her, "what good timing, it was our luck that I saw her coming. Otherwise..."

He looked up, Chakor follows his gaze and saw the ceiling, "what is there?" She asked and he shook his head.

"Khuda is pagal se mujhe bacha {God save me from that stupid girl}!"

Chakor pouts, "Suraj!" She pushes him, he lost the balance and hold her to get some support, yet both fell on the ground and were lost in each other with an intense eye lock.

Chakor pouts, "Suraj!" She pushes him, he lost the balance and hold her to get some support, yet both fell on the ground and were lost in each other with an intense eye lock

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The runaway Couple - SuKor (under editing/completed)Where stories live. Discover now