Chapter 1 Daily life end

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As I and Kiba entered Nisei's bathroom we were shocked to find...

Nisei alive and well with only a towel on bandaging up her arm, she quickly saw this and her mask flushed, she screamed while throwing any object that met her hands, both of us were barraged with many cleaning products as we ran out red as tomatoes.

Both of us stood near the door not knowing what to do and too embarrassed to leave we just stood like mannequins. As we waited Nisei came out dressed in her usual attire wearing a disappointed mask.

"I've got to say for peeping Tom's you are really pathetic, you do realize that the point of peeping is to not get caught, but you seem to have forgotten that rule completely."

I waved my hands in front of me flustered: "That wasn't our intention honestly! We came to check up on you!"

Nisei scratched her head in confusion: "What do you mean? I'm fine."

Kiba looked visibly shaken: "Look at the broken mask! The blood smeared wall! And the messed up bed!"

"Ohh that! When I woke up I was kind of entangled and then I tried to get up and I fell I'm glad I didn't slash of my face, though I slashed my arm and had to bandage it up... By the way, how did you get in here, I thought only I can get into my room..."

My face flushed again: "Umm... It was kind of Kiba's fault, he knocked you out..."

"Wow... way to throw me under the bus..." Kiba glanced at the floor.

Nisei's mask possessed just a line for a mouth and two dots for eyes, there was no need to talk much further, she wanted us out.

We complied and began to exit, I remembered that I still have Nisei's kit-pad so I simply told Kiba to go out.

"Ummm... I guess you would like to have this back it's your kit-pad after all... Oh and take this, since you weren't present for our meeting Kiyomi made you a bento box so you could fill up."

Nisei's mask showed a happy expression, I still have no idea how she does this, but she spoke anyway: "Thank you Hyu, I'll be sure to thank Kiyomi for making this and did I miss anything from your meeting? Oh, and as for the knock out incident, I can place together the pieces myself."

"We all agreed to search the school in groups so on day 3 you'll go with me, Kiba and Fowada... Though I should inform you that on day 2 Fukamuru's group is going to search the dining hall, kitchen, and your lab."

I could only presume that under that mask Nisei went pale: "Thank you for informing me, they will only go into my lab under my supervision. Now can you please go? I really need to clean up."

I nodded and went to my room, I waited as the walls around me displayed rain the only thing in my mind was if today's group was successful, the more I thought about it the more I felt sleepy and eventually I fell asleep.


The only thing I'm hearing now is static, the only thing that I can process until I finally and fully drift off.






"Mornin to ya little bastards, it's officially 8 a.m and nighttime has ended, wake up shiny heads it's time to get a groove on!"

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