Noire Rants Number 1: Super Saiyan Blue is TRASH!!!!!!!

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Frieza: "What's this? Super Saiyan with Blue Hair Dye?"

Goku: "Heh. It's a bit more complicated than that"

No! It's really not!

Greeting everyone. You know me as Noire, the Goddess of Lastation. Neptune said I could write in her Nep Nep Book as long as I didn't get Sylver wrapped up in it. I don't know what she means by it, but whatever. So I didn't know what to do, so I decided to make a rant book. You see... There are so many dumb things in anime and so on that I had to get it out of my chest. But before I begin, just know that is my personal opinion, if you do not agree with it, then I hope you will respect mine and I will respect yours. Now then, let's get started.

So my first rant is on Dragon Ball Super. I know you all think it's weird that I'm a fan of the Dragon Ball series, but I actually am. Even though Super is trash compared to Z, I'm not here to complain about Super itself. But rather the main component of it, which is Super Saiyan Blue. Now, for those who are new to the series and don't know what that is, just imagine Super Saiyan dyed blue... That's it. That's literally all there is to it at this point! Now I know what you're all gonna say:

You Guys: Uhh, Noire. Super Saiyan Blue is Super Saiyan exceeding Super Saiyan God! Check your privileges, Ms. Loner!

Okay, look. I know it's confirmed to BE that way, but it doesn't change the fact that it's stupid. Plus, at this point, you can debate whether it's a OC based Super Saiyan or not. Also, if that was the case, why not make Super Saiyan God 2? Or Perfected Super Sayian God!? I would've been fine with that! But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Toriyama had to add that retarded, DeviantArt fanservice in this bitch and make a BLUE Super Saiyan! I don't know about you guys, but before this was an actual thing, millions of people had ocs with different colored Super Saiyans! GUESS WHAT HAPPENS YEARS LATER! This form is basically to please the Dragon Ball Weeaboo Tards of the community.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that they didn't even TRY with this form!? I mean, Super Saiyan God was basically a skinnier base form with red hair, but even then, it looked... Hmm... How should I put it... Oh yeah. GOOD! And Super Saiyan God just sounded badass! Then Ressurection of Fuckstain- Oh my bad, F, came out, which is just a WHOLE OTHER RANT, and then they introduce this! THIS! Oh, and back then, Toriyama tried to be clever with this and call it Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (no, I am not joking! That was the original name!) And by the time Dragon Ball Super came out, they didn't even try anymore! Because this guy was all like:

Toriyama: Fuck it! It's a blue Super Saiyan! Call it Super Saiyan Blue! Just so that people's heads won't explode when they say the other thing!

And you know what? i would've been fine with it. But the problem is... Well, let me put it to you this way. Name one time Super Saiyan Blue actually won a legit fight without an upgrade. And I ain't counting that fight with Vegeta and Cabba, because that was more of a training session than anything! Now name one time! Oh, you can't? Oh, you needed to look up a fucking fight to see? Yeah, THAT'S THE PROBLEM! SUPER SAIYAN BLUE BARELY DID SHIT!

You Guys: Oh, then explain the battle against Golden Frieza!

Golden Frieza was technically stronger than Super Saiyan Blue. The only reason why he lost was because it's FUCKING GOKU! HE WINS EVERYTHING, EVEN WHEN HE DOESN'T!

You Guys: Then what about in the Universe 6 arc against Hit!?

Uhh, Vegeta got wrecked badly and Goku had to add steroids in the damn form! Say what you will, Kaioken is fucking steroids on top of Super Saiyan Shit!

Look, if you guys wanna fap to DeviantArt Super Saiyan, go ahead. Just don't expect me to fall for this! Super Saiyan Blue is, and will forever be, my most hated form. I'm Noire, and TORIYAMA, WHAT WERE YOU ON WHEN YOU MADE THIS!?

Noire Rant Book by Noire Herself (i.e. Me!)Where stories live. Discover now