Noire Rants 10: You Guys Are Not Woke!

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MARVEL is just gonna go full-on feminist from now on... Surely, no one else ca-

 Surely, no one else ca-

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No! No no no no no no!




Hey, everyone. I'm Noire. The goddess of Lastation. Now after the Captain Marvel rant, I was hoping that THAT part would be the last femimist part in this series. But ohohohohoho. Ohhh no! No no no! Brie Larson looks like a goddamn saint after this shit here. Now without further ado. Let's get started.

Now for those who don't know, CW has just announced that they were gonna do a Batwoman series. I thought, at first, "Hey. This could be pretty good." Then I actually saw the trailer... Dear God... The fucking trailer...

You watched it? If you did, I'm so sorry. But you had to in order to see what the hell I'm talking about. This whole damn trailer reeks of feminist bullshit. The last line in this damn trailer is this!

Batwoman: I'm not gonna let a man take credit for a woman's work.

I am not fucking joking! The end the trailer with that line! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA!? Here's the thing, Supergirl, Captain Marvel, even Star Wars, was more than this. Batwoman did even bother to hide it. It just screams.

Feminists: MeN bAd. WaAhMeN sTrOnG. We NeEd NuU MaAn HeRe.

Dear god. I'd hire someone to kill me, but... I'm immortal.

Look. Having a superhero be female is cool. But notice that there's a differemce between THAT and a female superhero. The difference is this: the former is still a superhero. Fights crime, saves people, and is overall a symbol for peace and hope. And gender can do that. The gender shpuld not matter here. Now with a female superhero, it's implied what gender it is. When you make the gender relevent in this case, people are not gonna care. Heroes can be any gender, sexuality, ethnicity, whatever. If any one of those things is implied to the hero, it's not as effective. Their whole heroism should not matter based on the gender. Just what they do for themselves and others. This isn't even the formal or latter. It's just a woman being "strong and independent." I use quotes around that because she uses the Batcave to do this, and has the audacity to say:

Batwoman: I'm not gonna let a man take credit for a woman's work.

Oh yeah. Speaking of. This woman right here.

 This woman right here

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I'm sorry. Her whole demeanor is just:

This Bitch: I'm A sTrOnG WaAhMaN

I mean come on. The hair cut. The lack of any body strength. Just... Ugh... Come on. I thought that Valkyrie bitch we saw at the begining was gonna be Batwoman. I probably would've preferred her, to be honest. This was just a minor thing. I just needed to say it.

*sighs* This whole "wokeness" thing is justs stupid. These sjws are fighting for rights that are already here. Women can vote. Women can have the same jobs as men. Women get paid exactly the same as men. And it's not just for women either. Blacms can vote and have the same rights as whites. So do Asian. And hispanics. So don't tell me... We live in an oppressed society. You think gays can be married if we're opressed. You think we allow this kind of talk if we were oppressed. We're not. You sjws are not woke. If you were... You wouldn't spout this shit. We live in a society where switching genders is allowed. You call that oppressed? Just... Ugh... I'm not gonna go on a tangent here. I don't want this series to be "anti-feminist". I want this to be a fun read. Not some political bullshit. So I'm gonna end it here. I'm Noire... And for all you sjws, or whatever, out there... You guys are not woke...

Noire Rant Book by Noire Herself (i.e. Me!)Where stories live. Discover now