Calm Before the Storm

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[Madeleine POV]

It was race day! And the time had finally come to see who was the fastest mermaid or merman! As we all stood on the end of the dock in a line. "Alright everyone!" I exclaimed aloud, "We all know the rules, but just in case you have short-term memory or are tempted to cheat I shall go over them again. Rule number 1: No powers whatsoever; this race is about physical skill and the power of your tail as well as your ability to swim with it. Rule number 2: No shortcuts or detours. You stick to the path that we all agreed on. Rule number 3: No grabbing or cutting off. If you are as good as you think you are then no roughhousing or trickery is needed. Rule number 4: Be careful of the wildlife; we are not the only creatures out there. We are swimming through their home so respect them, think of them as natural obstacles in this race, that will make it more challenging. Finally Rule number 5: Break any of the above rules and you are disqualified. Any questions?"

Casey raised his hand, "Yeah, uh, who is officiating this race?"

I smiled, "Lewis and I are." I motioned to Lewis, "I'm going to swim to Mako and in approximately ten minutes Lewis will start the race. I will be waiting at the Moon Pool to crown the winner."

"Which is precisely my question," Casey retorted. "Why aren't you competing?"

"Well it just wouldn't be fair if I held the title of strongest and fastest merperson," I proclaimed matter-of-factly.

Rikki stepped forward, "Hold up, since when were you the strongest mermaid?"

I turned, facing the water and raising my arms. The wind began to whip around me as the waves rose and crashed against the dock. I then caused it the begin snowing and a maelstrom to sink into the deep.

I lowered my arms and turned back around, placing my hands on my hips, "I mean, I have a lot of power, but if you want to fight me for the title, I welcome the challenge."

Rikki raised her hands in surrender and stepped back into line, "Alright, I got it. You're a badass."

"And don't you forget it." I allowed myself to fall back into the water transforming. I came back up to the surface, "Alright Lewis, ten minutes and start the race. Make sure no one cheats."

The older boy saluted me, "Aye aye, captain."

I nodded, diving and shooting off to the Moon Pool. After a couple of minutes Emma was the first to swim in. I smiled, "Congratulations Emma."

She bowed, "Thank you." Rikki swam in next and Emma teased, "You swam like a turtle, what kept you?"

"A couple more seconds and I would've had you." 

"Please, I beat you easy."

Both girls laughed as Cleo resurfaced, "I'm lauching a protest, you guys cut me off."

I looked at Emma and Rikki, "Did you cut her off?"

Emma replied, "No." But Rikki answered, "Cleo you were so far behind I forgot you were even there." 

Finally the boys swam in at the same time and came up out of breath as Matthew said, "Winning isn't everything."

Casey wheezed, "How did you guys go so fast?"

Emma shrugged, "Practice."

I came off my perch and swam over to my padawans, "You haven't been mermen as long as we've been mermaids. You'll both get better with time and learn what works and what doesn't when it comes to swimming and using your powers."

Rikki then turned to Emma, "I bet I'll beat you on the way back."

"Oh you'll try."

I snickered as they took off, Cleo trailing slightly behind. I smiled, "Well boys, after you, we'll meet at the JuiceNet Cafe once the girls are done with their little spat."

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