Chapter Two

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     "Wow, it's Josh Hutcherson!" Jenny said, looking up at the boy. "Wait, why are you here? Why did that happen? What's going on?" Jenny asked, exasperated. Josh Hutcherson's face twisted into a look of confusion. 

     "What do you mean?" Josh Hutcherson asked. 

     "You just happen to be here when a wave drags me away. I don't even live next to the water..." Jenny trailed off looking up at the strange actor named Josh Hutcherson, and then all around her, realizing that all the water had suddenly disappeared. "Well... Thanks!" Jenny said, getting up to walk away, when she felt a hand grab at her sleeve.  

     "Wait! I wanted to tell you something!" Josh Hutcherson said, his voice filled with so much emotion that Jenny dramatically turned around, looking into his worry-filled eyes, which were brightened by the morning sun. "I think you're a beautiful girl, would you like to stay with me? We could survive...Together!" Josh Hutcherson whispered the last part, as if it was the most wonderful idea he (Josh Hutcherson) had ever thought of. But Jenny thought it was the opposite.

     The two stood there in awkward silence for a moment or two. Well, it was awkward to Jenny, for Josh, it seemed as if he thought Jenny was just at a loss of words because of how amazing the idea was, because his smile seemed to get wider and wider. And Josh was getting closer and closer. Jenny finally mustered up the courage to say "We've known each other for like, two minutes..." 

     She thought that Josh Hutcherson would begin to think about this fact, and take it into consideration. But that was obviously not the case, because he got down on one knee, desperate.

     "Exactly! It's love at first sight! It's the best and most realistic form of love!" Josh exclaimed, his bright smile getting even wider. 

     "Well, it's been fun! But I think I'm just gonna head home now!" Jenny said, twisted out of Josh Hutcherson's grasp and running away. Before she knew it she was in front of her home.

     "Do I really want to go back in there?" Jenny asked herself, worry and anxiety making her chest feel tight. Just then, she heard the sound of several skateboards wiz past her, causing her hair to fly in her face. 

     Once she pulled all of the strands out of her eyes she found herself face-to-face with three boys. 

     There was one that was as skinny as a toothpick, his shirt hanging from his body and nearly touching his knobby knees. A malicious grin was on his face, revealing several missing teeth. The other was a very rubenesque, his cheeks and chin almost enveloping his sunken-in eyes and thin mouth. They both were standing imposingly behind the third boy, who was just normal-sized and had a hat on. 

     "Wassup, loser?" The normal-sized boy asked, grabbing his skateboard and spitting on the ground. "My name's Randy, that's Keith-" He paused to point his thumb back at the skinny kid, who narrowed his large bird-like eyes as his name was called, though it was hard to tell since his limp blonde hair was covering most of his eyes. "And that's Troy." He pointed down towards the curvaceous kid, who stood there, looking as if he didn't know what was going on. "And we're here to stab you!" They all said in unison, making sure to pose in a menacing way. 

     "I'm, like 14 years older than you are!" Jenny cried, "Do you even have a reason for wanting to attack me?" the three boys stared menacingly at her. 

     "Yeah," they all said "Because we're plot devices used to force you into meeting another love interest!" They posed again, this time with their knives out. Jenny suddenly turned around and began to sprint through the neighborhood, panic clutching at her heart. Jenny wished that the boys would just give up, because she felt like she was about to. But these 13 year old boys seemed to have the stamina of ostriches, because they kept on running until the moon was high in the sky. 

     Suddenly, Jenny heard a loud voice yell somethings to her left. 

     "Get in here!" The voice yelled. Jenny suddenly swerved and leaped into the house. 


     "I know, I know," Jenny interrupted the voice, "I shouldn't be out there during the purge!" she huffed. 

     "Actually, this stuff happens all the time! It's pretty normal tonight. I was going to ask if you're okay!" The voice, which belonged to a boy, said. 

     "Oh... Yeah, I'm fine." Jenny responded, looking up at the newest love interest. His pale face was barely illuminated by a small candle on the dining room table, revealing his brown hair and big blue eyes. "Well, uh... Who're you?" Jenny asked, getting up off the floor. 

     "My name's Jeff. I just moved here with my mom, dad, and big brother," Jeff responded. "What about you?" 

     Before Jenny could say anything, she heard a loud bang in upstairs. 

     "Was that one of your family members?" Jenny asked, looking over at the boy, who shook his head at her question. "They aren't home..."

     The two rushed up the stairs and to one of the bedrooms to find an evil man sprawled on the floor next to the window. He looked up and Jenny realized how hot this dude was. "What?! Who are you?" Jeff asked, obviously disgruntled at the amount of strangers that had suddenly appeared in his house. 

     "I'm Niall Horan! And I'm here to- wait- how old are you?" the man asked, evilly confused. 

     "I'm twenty-seven. Why?" Jenny asked, slightly afraid. 

     "Oh, I thought you were thirteen or something," Niall said sadly. "But I guess I won't kidnap you..." The boy sighed. 

     "Oh, okay. Goodbye!" Jeff said, waving his hand slightly. "But just because you're too old for me to love, doesn't mean you're too old for me to kill!" Niall growled threateningly, holding up a 2mm Kolibri. The two gasped.

Trapped in an Purge with Jeff the KillerWhere stories live. Discover now