Chapter V

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     Jenny silently rode in the car, staring out of the window as the trees sped past, still wondering how she was now almost half her original age. But now that she was a teenager again, she began realizing that she didn't have anyone to love. But who would want to date Jenny? She was so horribly disfigured that she made men's heads turn when she walked down the street in awe, and compliment her in pity. 

     Jenny turned to her fake-dad, who was driving the car, a dead look in his small eyes. 

     "Why are you even driving me to this camp, anyway? I mean, where's mom?" Jenny asked, recieving a glance from him. 

     "She's doing judge stuff right now." Randy Moore responded. 

     "Judge stuff?" Jenny echoed, not remembering anytime her mother even mentioned that she was a judge. "Yeah, now stop asking questions. We have arrived at Camp Plant." Randy Moore said. Then Jenny's heart sank as she made a realization.

     "I forgot my luggage!" She groaned. She had a lot of cool stuff she was going to bring! But now they were all stuck in her room for a week. Or two days, depending on how she gets along with everyone. Randy Moore didn't seem all that shocked though, he only pulled out an object from his pocket. 

     "Oh, didn't you hear? The only thing you're supposed to bring to Camp Plant is a knife!" The sharp object glinted in his hand as he gave it to Jenny.

     Before Jenny could question where her fake-dad got his information from, she was pushed out of the car and left infront of a large clearing full of kids with knives. 

     "This'll be fun." Jenny muttered to herself, going over to greet the nearest teen.

     It turns out the nearest teen was Jeff, who was still wearing a white hood and black pants. 

   What a weirdo.

     "Hey! I'm glad to see that you survived Randy!" Jenny said to Jeff in greeting. He looked over in surprise, obviously not expecting to see Jenny there. But once he locked eyes with her his face lit up and he waved to her.

     "I'm glad too! I honestly think he was the one that killed that famous actor." Jeff exclaimed, turning to watch the other kids run at and threaten each other. 

     "Why are you wearing that stuff in the summer? It's like, a million degrees out here!" Jenny asked. But before she could get an answer, she heard someone scoff behind her.

     She turned around to see someone that looked almost exactly like her, except she was way hotter, and wore a lot of pink.

     "Hello my future romantic partner, Jefferson Woods! It is I, Jennifer!" Jennifer said, waving her arms dramatically as she said her name. "Why are you talking to this horrible excuse of a female? It is obvious that I am the better choice, due to the fact that my name is longer and more sophisticated!" 

     Jenny felt herself tense up with hatred. Jennifer was such a stupid tree-hugging girly girl. She was so mean to everyone! But then, she watched as Jennifer began to pull something out of her skirt pocket. 

   What a surprise. It was a knife.

     "Oh no... A sharp object..." Jeff muttered, falling to his knees. 

     "See? I can enhance your physical appearance with this blade! But first, allow me to brutally mutilate my romantic rival." Jennifer said, advancing on Jenny. 

     Jenny used her super sences to realize that she was in danger. But it was too late, Jennifer had already managed to pin her down and slice her arm open, and make several attempts to plunge her knife into her side and back. Luckily, Jenny managed to wriggle away before she could do anything lethal. But her wounds still stung and fear tugged at her heart. 

     She stood there staring up at Jennifer, waiting for her to attack once more. This time, Jenny would be ready. When she was seven she was enlisted in the military, and was taught Krav Maga, a very advanced fighting style dating back thousands of years. But Jennifer just stared her in amusement and walked away, leaving Jenny all by herself. And with Jeff, who was unconscious on the ground for some reason. 

     Jenny groaned, and stumbled away, leaving Jeff to bake in the sun so she could take care of her wounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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