Chapter 4

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     "How unfortunate!" Jenny said, still staring at the body that was being shown on the screen. Josh Hutcherson's face twisted towards the camera with hint of shock still etched on his stiffening face, with wide glazed over eyes staring into the camera. Suddenly, a pair of high heels stepped in front of the body as the camera panned up to reveal the reporters face. 

     "This is very sad." The reporter said, her face filled with emotion. But it seemed to be more of a look of disgust than a sad one as she kept turning to look at the body and inch away from it. "It's so sad, that we're going to go ahead and transition into our next segment. Tomorrow is the opening of Camp Plant, which has a full week of fun camp activities planned for teens, such as eating smores, stargazing, and stabbing your romantic rival in several unlethal places! Teens better be ready for a totally fun time! Next up is the weather, where Justin will tell you about where the next upcoming landlocked rouge wave is going to be!" 

     Randy Moore turned towards Jenny as he lowered the volume of the Television. 

     "Aren't you excited for the camp?" He asked, causing Jenny to look at him in confusion. 

     "I'm not a teenager, fake-dad!" Jenny reminded her fake-dad, who returned the look of skepticism. 

     "Sure you are! Don't you remember your own age?" Jenny was about to correct her father, but then realized she was a teenager. "Wait, I was twenty-seven a few seconds ago..." Jenny muttered to herself, but she just shrugged it off and walked back up to her room and making sure not to trip over the body of Niall. 

     All the while, she was thinking about what she was going to do at this camp. Maybe she would meet the one! And maybe this time, he wouldn't get his head bashed in by her fake-dad, or managed to get stabbed to death. 

     Why was she suddenly interested in finding love after passing up two love interests? It probably has something to due with the fact that she was a teenager now. Because apparently the only people who are allowed to feel and find love in stories are teenagers. Oh well, it doesn't really matter anymore. It doesn't change that fact that Jenny really wants to find love now. 

     Jenny could only hope. She hugged her giant Porg as she snuggled into bed. Listening to the faraway screams of the victims of the purge, which had apparently turned into a weeklong thing. 

     How unfortunate.

Trapped in an Purge with Jeff the KillerWhere stories live. Discover now