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Work was very packed and hectic this week. There was a lot of editing for the upcoming magazine and Marlene was going crazy. Two of the interns waited to do their articles and forgot to do them. I fixed the issue just so that Mar didn't have to and so she wouldn't lose her mind. 

I finally woke up and saw I had an hour until I had to get to work. I pulled on a pair of light washed, ripped jeans, a white long sleeve, and my black coat then applied just mascara, concealer, and blush to my face. After finishing in my bathroom, I pulled on a pair of black booties, my coat, grabbed my purse, and made my way to work. 

I stopped at a coffee shop to get breakfast and a coffee for myself and Marlene. The shop was two doors down from Grayson which was good when I know Mar needs coffee so she doesn't freak the freakout.

I was finally sitting in my office and had some time to think. I don't know if Archer remembered that he wanted to take me on a date tonight. I was really hoping he did. 

By the end of the day, I had been on three coffee runs and four meetings for the magazine on Archer.  It was mostly just the logistics of what was going in the actual magazine, the design of it, the layout, and whatnot. I didn't pay so much attention but I was there to listen and help the presenters with their points.

It was 6:30 and I was editing my layouts when there was a knock on my door. I looked up to see Gabbi, my 'intern' girl. 

"Hey, Gabbi. What's up?"

"Hi Keke," I adopted that nickname from her and most people at the magazine call me that now. "There's something for you upfront with Ivy." 

"Alright, Thanks Gabs." I finished up my paragraph and saved my work. I walked out of my office and to Ivy's desk. 

"Hey, Ives. Gabbi said you have something for-" I paused my words when I saw Archer standing there with a big bouquet. My eyes widened at the sight of him. "um, Hi Archer."

"Hello, gorgeous

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"Hello, gorgeous. Are you ready to go?" He gave me a big grin, which made my heart flutter and handed me the bouquet. 

"Yeah, um, let me go get my things." I started walking back to my office and knew he was following me. 

I grabbed my coat and back and turned my computer off. I looked to see Archer leaning on my door, looking around my office. I must say he looked really good in a suit. He caught him staring at him and smirked. "Ready?" 

"Yeah." I tried to pull my coat on but felt him help me. His warm hands felt good. "Thank you."

"Of course." 

I said my 'goodbyes' to my coworkers and followed him to the elevator. It was a silent ride, but it was comfortable. He led me outside and to his black Mercedes. He opened the door for me, his hand on my back as I slipped in. 

"Thank you for the flowers. They are lovely."

"Anything for you, beautiful." I saw him look over to me through the corner of my eye, my blush being shown to him. 

We pulled up to a very expensive looking restaurant. The valet took Archer's keys and he opened the door for me, giving me his hand to help. I slipped my hand in his and let him lead me into the restaurant. 

The hostess led us through the restaurant and to a private area. The table overlooked the city lights and took my breath away. I was so in 'aw' that I didn't even notice Archer had pulled my chair out and the hostess had left us. 

The waitress took our drink and food orders quickly.

"So Miss Jacobs," he swiftly spoke, sitting across from me. "How is the magazine going?"

"Well Mr. Griffin, we are working on the layout and design for the magazine you will feature in and that part is almost done." 

"Wonderful. Working at a magazine seems so entertaining. Is it?" he asked sipping his beer. 

"It's an interesting job, but it is very easy and entertaining. There is a lot of stress but for the most part, it is a fun job to have." 

"I wish my job was entertaining. Half the time I zone out of meetings because I'm bored." I laughed and shook my head. 

"Maybe I should include that in your article. The Multi Billionaire sleeps in meetings, I can see it now." He laughed.

"Don't expose me, Miss Jacobs," he gave me a serious, playful look. He leaned on the table, becoming closer to me. "So tell me about you, Keaton."

"What would you like to know?" I asked drinking my water. 

"Everything about you."

"Okay," I thought for a second. "I'm from Southern California, born and raised. I went to private school my entire life and I played softball and soccer my whole life. I went to Arizona State University and majored in journalism and ended up majoring in History as well because all my extra classes were a history focus. Right before my graduation, Grayson offered me a job to come here to San Fransisco and when I graduated I moved here, and I have been working there ever since." 

"Ah, so your a Sun Devil Alumni. I went to the University of Arizona for my graduate school." He raised his eyebrows. (a/n: ASU and U of A are huge rivals, hehe)

"Ew, a wildcat," I jokingly said. "U of A is beautiful, I get it."

He laughed at me. "So why did you go to Arizona?"

"I loved the state and I loved the weather since it was just like home and it was close enough but far away from my family," I explained. 

"That's a good reason. Are you close with your family?"

"Yeah, I am very close to them. My brother and I are only two years apart and I am the only girl out of the older cousins so I became really close with the guys." he looked at me the entire time as I spoke, his light eyes watching my every move. 

We continued to chat as our food came. He really wanted to know about me and kept asking questions or would bring up topics to discuss. Archer was very interested in learning my likes, my dislikes, and my life. Before we knew it is was 11. 

Archer drove me back to my apartment and walked me to my door. I took my keys out and turned to look at hi leaning on the wall across from my door. 

"I had fun tonight," I spoke, leaning on my door. 

"As did I. I really enjoyed getting to know you, Keaton. You are so intriguing." He looked up at me and gave me a big smile, showing me his dimples. I looked down trying to hide my blush but it didn't work.  I felt his warm fingers under my chin and pushed my headlight so my eyes would meet his. He leaned towards me my breath hitched. His warm lips were placed on my cheek, causing my whole body to warm up. 

"Goodnight Keaton," he spoke backing away from me. "I'll see you soon." 

"Goodnight Archer." I unlocked my door and slipped into my house. I placed my stuff on my counter and leaned on it. My stomach had butterflies and my body was on fire. 

After showering and dressing in my pj's, I crawled into my warm bed. I was still on a high from tonight and I loved every minute of it. I went to sleep that happiest I have been in a long, long time. 

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