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The new week came around and work was going great. We were getting everything finalized for Archer's magazine. As for him, we have been talking a lot since our date. He is so sweet and nice guy. I could feel myself falling for him the more we talked. 

I walked into my office and set my stuff down. There was a stack of folders, meant for Marlene. Mar was super sick and left me in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly and no one does something dumb. I had to go to a few meetings for her today before I could get to my work. 

I was in my office answering emails when someone knocked on my door. I didn't look up from my computer as I said "Come in." 

"Too busy for me it seems?" I heard the deep voice that gave me butterflies. I looked up to see Archer leaning on my doorframe smirking.

"Archer, Hey," I spoke standing from my chair. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see the gorgeous girl that's been on my mind since last week." his words made me blush immensely. He walked in and sat on the couch in my office. 

"You sure know how to make a girl blush, Mr. Griffin," I said sitting back in my chair. 

"You really have been on my mind, Keaton. Is there any way you could come to lunch with me?"

"I have to be at a meeting in 5 minutes," his face dropped. "But it should be like 15 minutes." 

"Perfect, then I will wait for you." he leaned back into my couch and put his legs on my coffee table. 

"Are you sure? We could always do it another day." I said.

"You are worth the wait Keaton. I will be right here when you get back." 

I smiled and grabbed my folder. "I promise I won't be gone too long."

The meeting ended up taking 40 minutes. The producers of the magazine were late and when the speakers were done with their presentations, they had lots of input which is great but I was worrying about Archer. I hope he was okay and not agitated. Right, when the meeting was over I rushed to my office. I opened my door and let out a huff. "Archer, I am so sor-"

There was a bunch of food sitting on my coffee table. I looked at Archer, who was smiling at me, with wide eyes. "Wow, this looks amazing." 

"I thought you would be hungry. So I ordered in for us. Plus I am starving." 

"You should have eaten it. No need to wait for me." 

"You are worth the wait," he said for the second time today.

We sat and ate the delicious food Archer ordered. It was so nice to just sit and talk with someone. Things were so easy with Archer and I loved it. 

I looked at my clock and saw that he was been here for almost two hours. "Archer, don't you have to be at your work?"

"Are you just politely trying to get rid of me?" he laughed. I loved his laugh.

"No never. But you are supposedly the biggest billionaire ever so?" I sassed taking a bite of my bread. 

"Well, you are right. I should be getting back to my work." He stood up and stuck a hand out for me. I placed mine in his and he helped me to my feet. 

"Thank you for a lovely lunch Archer. It was amazing." I spoke. He pulled me into a hug and I felt him press his lips to the top of my head. 

"Thank you for letting me stay and eat with a pretty girl." He winked and grabbed his coat. 

"Bye Archer."

"Bye Keaton." 

Once he was gone, I went back to finishing up mine and Marlene's work so I could bring the rest over to her tonight. I was done quickly snd decided to head to her house. 

I brought Mar some chicken noodle soup and her favorite ice cream. She looked a lot better than the last time I had seen her but she still looked a little rough. I sat on her couch while she sat far away from me in her recliner. 

"So how has it been at the office without me to rule over you guys?" 

"I've been keeping everyone in check for you." She laughed. 

"At least I have someone who can do that." 

"Anything for you, your highness." 

"Another question." 

"What's that?" 

"I read something online that was so interesting the other night that even bookmarked it." she grabbed her computer and scrolled through it. "Here it is." 

She handed me her laptop and I looked at what it said. 'Archer Griffin spotted with a mysterious blonde beauty enjoying a romantic dinner. No one knows who the beauty is, but we hope to see more of her around.'

My eyes almost popped out of my head when I scrolled down a little and saw a bunch of pictures of Archer and I. I don't know how the paparazzi got them but I guess that means they're good at their job. I went through all the pictures and smiled at them. We looked like a real couple, laughing and smiling hand in hand. 

I turned to Marlene who had a giant smirk plastered on her face. "I-uh.." 

"You and him are a gorgeous couple," she spoke causing me to smile. 

"We aren't dating, Mar."

"Yeah, well you guys definitely look like one." I stuck my tongue out at her. 

After hanging out with her for a little bit longer, I decided it was time for me to get home. I only lived four blocks from Mar's apartment so it was an easy 15-minute walk. I don't have my car here in San Fransisco because it was too hectic to have one and I didn't want to have to pay to not use it. Plus I enjoyed walking places, maybe not so much at night but it was fine. 

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as I walked down the street. I pulled it out and saw 'Archer' on my screen. "Hello."

"Hey, pretty girl. What are you doing?"

"I'm walking home from Marlene's house. What-"

"Wait, your walking home at this time of the night. Where are you? I'll come to get you." he sounded frantic. I just laughed at him. 

"Archer I'm fine. I only live 15 minutes from her house. Don't worry about me." 

"I will always worry. Are you sure? I can come to get  you right now." 

"No I am okay Archer, I promise you." 

"Well, I'm not hanging up until I know your home." 

"Okay, DAD," I yelled slightly. I heard him chuckle. "So how was your day?"

He really did stay on the phone with me until I got to my apartment. He told me about what he did at his office, which consisted of lots of meetings. He still was persisted to come to pick me up but I just kept ignoring him. We talked for a little bit longer and it was now 11:30. 

"Archer, it's getting late." 

"I don't want to hang up." 

"I have work in the morning. And no one wants a grumpy Keaton at the magazine."

"I understand that fully."

"Alrighty, Mr. Griffin. Have a goodnight."

"Goodnight Keaton. Sweet dreams beautiful."

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