Chapter 3. A useful companion

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The young woman was about 19, she looked at the tall yautja standing in front of her. He put his combistick on his back and stared at the human for a moment. Thankfully his decision was not to kill her but have her tag along, maybe she would prove useful to him. He made a campfire and sat down looking at the woman who decided to sit as well. "Do you speak our language?" The woman asked in a curious tone, he nodded his head.

"Um... thanks for saving my life?" He simply chuckled at the confusion she was going through. "Why was that more of a question?" He asked in a deep slightly alien voice. The woman twiddled her fingers for a moment before responding to him. "Never mind, your hunting right?" It was obvious, he took off his mask putting it in a pouch on his waist. The young woman looked scared for a moment before calming down. "You look... cool?" She said as her eyes stared at his mandibles in awe, the hair like things coming from the sides of his head.

The predator stood up and held out a hand to her, she took it and he carried her bridal style through the forest with his right arm as they walked. He was still searching, the hunt couldn't be delayed just yet! The woman looked up at her now interest in life, how did he act like he acted? Get to be such a powerful creature and where did he come from? Among the stars of course but... why here? He had hardly told her anything and now she was tagging along with him since she had nothing better to do in her life.

The place she lived wasn't good at all and would rather not think all that much about it. This alien or predator as some called it was fascinating to her. Plus, he probably wouldn't care to hear her sob story, yet all too true nonetheless. "Time to continue the hunt for whatever killed my brothers" She didn't respond to the yautja but listened.

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