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5 months later.
I pulled up in the Forks School parking lot, right next to my boyfriend, Edwards car. I had found at the end of school on the first day that the Silver Volvo belonged to him. He was the guy I bumped into on the first day. After many weeks of tiptoeing around each other and flirting, we confessed our feelings for each other after I confronted him on being a vampire. I would have never believed about the supernatural legends I heard at the tribe meeting in La Push when I was young being true but the Cullens proved every word true. They never ate in school. Their eyes were an unusual gold colour that actual went black sometimes when they were hungry or angry or feeling lust. They had perfect features and were ice cold to touch. I had become fast friends with his sisters, Rosalie and Alice and his brothers, Emmett and Jasper. His parents, Carlisle and Esme treated me as their own and I loved their attention and parental care that had been missing in my life.
A knock on my window brought me out of memory land and back into the present. I looked to the side to see Edward smiling down at me. I smiled and exited the car, stepping into his waiting arms, standing on my tiptoes to kiss him hard. He growled and pulled me in further taking me by surprise as he deepened the kiss. I smiled in victory and bit his lip lightly before sucking his bottom lip in. He moaned as his hands moved beyond the designated territory and inches closer to my ass. This was unusual for Edward who, to my utter frustration, was hell bent on staying chivalrous with me. I didn't know how to tell my 100 year old virgin mate that I was far from innocent and had been with more guys than the amount of girls he had even looked at in anyway other than platonic in his vast existence. I didn't want to change the way he looked at me like I was something special and meant to be treasured. Just as was thinking all this, a moan escaped my lips as Edwards lips sucked on my neck. He groaned against my neck as I tugged his head closer. Backing me to the door of my car he pressed himself against me and continued his ministrations on my neck. Before his hand that had been inching up could grab my taut nipple, a throat cleared loudly. The sound broke him out of his lust bubble and he moved back just slightly, though reluctantly so. "You both do realize that you are in school and currently providing a show for the students and teachers in the lot." Alice said and she pulled me away from my mate. I pouted big time as did Edward. Seeing his lost expression made me giggle and skip back into his arms, kissing him and then dragging him, as much as he allowed me to, to the class.
By the third class I was highly sexually frustrated and about to jump Edward and drag him to the janitors closet if need be. Jasper was highly aggravated as a result of my emotions, him being an empath and was trying to keep me calm throughout. It didn't help that Edward could read minds, except mine, and he knew from Jaspers thoughts what I needed. He had been torturing me with touches all morning and I was positively going to combust. In the third period, however, the teacher dropped a bomb that put an abrupt end to all the feelings. The lecture started with the usual greeting and session of the day. Just as the bell rang, the teacher said that she had an announcement. "Hello kids, it is decided that the rest of the semester, all the students will be going for an exchange education to another school. The following students are going to be going to New York:
Bella swan
Edward Cullen
Jessica Stanley
Lauren Mallory
Mike Newton
Ben Cheney
Angela Webber
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Eric Yorkie
Please get your parents permission and give them the information kits I have arranged as per your names. Get ready you are going to New York."

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