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Today we were leaving for New York. Bella had gone for some work to Seattle and was going to meet us at the airport. Just as we entered the airport, I heard the thoughts of my classmates and the teacher, Mr Banner. He was going with us and my parents, who were acting as chaperones. We all assembled near the designated area of the check-in counter. A man dressed as the airport staff approached Mr Banner. "Are you going to New York from Forks?" At his nod, the man continued, "there have been some changes in the flight. Please follow me. All of you." We looked at each other and followed. I tried to read his mind but he was totally focused on the schedules and his other duties. We were led to a private lounge and were surprised to find Bella there. She smiled and got up kissing me and hugging my family before nodding at the others. "I'm sorry for the last minute change Mr Banner. But my mom doesn't agree with me travelling in commercial flights, much less economy class." Bella said. Lauren snorted causing everyone to look at her. "So you are saying that you aren't coming with us? Oh princess?" Bella smirked and said, "I was actually about to offer that your flight be changed to mine but if you are so comfortable with travelling in economy as opposed to a luxury experience like mine then go in ahead." "What do you mean Bella?" Mr Banner asked. Bella smiled and pointed at something behind us. Looking out of the glass window was a luxurious private jet. It was a pale white with the name in gold, La Bella
Everyone's mouth dropped open as Bella smiled sheepishly. My family having owned one of our own was not too shocked but simply smiled. "It's more luxurious than ours. How is it more luxurious than ours?" Emmett pouted. We laughed as the students stared at us in awe. "You own a jet too?" Mr Banner said wondering how we had so much money. Carlisle was quick to correct that error. "Money has been in the family for generations on both sides, Mr banner. We just don't show it too much." "Might have to change that in Manhattan" Bella said absently. She didn't elaborate as a man cut her off by approaching. "Ms Swan. It's a pleasure to escort back home." He said smiling. Bella smiled and shook his hand, "thanks Fred. I can't wait to go back either. Please see to the luggage of my companions. Mr Banner, Fred is our pilot." Our teacher nodded. After gettin our luggage in order, we moved to go inside the flight. The staff greeted Bella with respect and smiles. Bella smiled and addressed each one by name treating them as her equals. I smiled proud of my kind mate. On entering the flight all the thoughts were of awe and amazement and in Lauren's and Jessica's case, jealous. The inside was a rich gold and white with multiple seats, a private room to the back and a bar. "Please make yourselves comfortable". Bella said grabbing my hand and leading me to the back of the room sitting in the last seats. Once the flight took off and the seat belt sign came off, She sat next to me and curled into my side. I smiled wrapping my arms around her. My siblings sat around us in similar positions. New York here we come.

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