How it all began

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Being a teenage girl is hard! I have to deal with school and homework and friends and guys and UGH! I hate it!

Ok now that all that is off my chest let me tell you about my virtual life. Everyday after school I get on my phone or sometimes my computer and chat with people on a app/website called FairyChat. It's where teens get together and chat about school and can even get help with their homework. Mostly we chat though. Some people vent about their relationships and other look for love. I'm on there just to make friends.

My username is StarLover. I have friends I talk to all the time in a private group chat because we all get along so well. In the chat is FireDragonsRule, IronDragonsLegacy, SwordsWoman, IceKing, and PrincessofBooks.

The chat usually consists of us talking about school and our classes and how much we can't stand certain people. We never name people though just in case we happen to go to the same school.

We have all been talking since the beginning of summer and we have gotten pretty close. I can easily see us as good friends in real life.

I have noticed how FireDragonsRule and IceKing seem to argue constantly. It's probably because fire and ice don't mix. Haha.

SwordsWoman seems to be the motherly type and keeps everyone in check. She seems a bit harsh at times but I know she means well.

PrincessofBooks has a obvious love of reading like I do. If she's not online with us she's got her nose in a book.

IronDragonsLegacy has a passion for anything iron related. As well as cars and motorcycles.

StarLover: Hey guys. I'm wondering if I can ask more about you all? I'm wondering about ages and genders. I can start. I'm a 17 year old female.

FireDragonsRule: I'm a 17 year old male :)

IronDragonsLegacy: 18 male

IceKing: 17 male

SwordsWoman: 18 female

PrincessofBooks: 17 female

StarLover: So we are all about the same age! That's so cool. Ok so what about future goals? Me personally I can't decide between astronomy or being a astronaut. :/

FireDragonsRule: You sure are curious today aren't you Star? Lol. Me I'm going to be a firefighter. :D

IronDragonsLegacy: I'm going to work with iron. My goal is to be able to make ANYTHING out of iron.

SwordsWoman: be the best sword fighter in the world.

PrincessofBooks: I want to run the biggest library in the world!

IceKing: I want to be a ice sculptor and be able to make anything out of ice. I'll make a frozen wonderland one day and invite you all! :)

StarLover: all that sounds amazing! Though I do have one question for FireDragonsRule...

FireDragonsRule: well what is it?

StarLover: well...are you going to be a real firefighter or a firefighter calendar model? Lol

FireDragonsRule: I'll be both then! Haha! :D

StarLover: well then. 0///0

FireDragonsRule: got you to blush! Lol

StarLover: damn it

Everyone laughed and we continued talking until it was time for bed. I said my good nights and logged off. I grabbed my phone charger and plugged it in and got a notification from the chat. A private message? I opened it out of curiosity.

My Virtual Relationship ✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now