A Midnight Visitor

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I have dinner with my family and telling them about my day I say good night and head up to my room. I turn my light on and change my clothes and open my window to let the cool air in. I stand at my window and let the air hit me and hear someone whisper


I look down and see Natsu standing below my window.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper yell.

"I wanted to see you again." He admits

"Now who's love struck?" I tease and he chuckles.

"So what if I am. Move so I can come up." I do as I'm told and he wall runs up my wall and grabs my ledge and pulls himself up.

"How did you do that??" I ask in amazement.

"Years Of exercise and practice" He says as he lifts up his shirt to show off his body. I blush and turn away and he chuckles.

"It's late so keep your voice down. I don't want to wake my parents." I tell him

"Alright sorry."

"So what do you really want?" I ask him

"To hold you and kiss you." He says with a wink and a smirk. I blush and look away "what's wrong? You don't want to?" He asks with a pout.

"It's not that. It's just that I don't want it to lead to anything else." I say shyly

"If you don't want it to then it won't. I won't ever do anything to hurt you." He says in a reassuring voice.

"I know you won't hurt me Natsu. I just can't help but still be nervous." I tell him softly and he comes over to me and hugs me.

"I'll take care of you Luce. I promise. This dragon found his princess and I'll do anything and everything to keep you safe." Natsu says softly and reassuringly

"Is that you flirting or stating the facts?" I ask with a giggle

"Both." He says with a grin and I giggle more.

"Hey Natsu?"

"Yeah Luce?"

"Remember when I asked in the chat what everyone wanted to be and you said a firefighter and I asked a real one or the calendar one?" I ask with a big grin on my face

"Y-yeah..." Natsu replies while blushing bright red

"You still going to make sure I'm the first one to see it right?"

"Well yeah. Why not?" He replies still blushing

"Ok. Just asking. I remember wondering that night if you were hot enough to pull that off...." I trail off and move closer to his ear and whisper "and you are."

Now Natsu is blushing bright red and I'm giggling my but off. "Got a taste of your own medicine!"


"Remember when you chased me that day and whispered in my ear in a sexy voice? Payback!" I squeal and he rolls his eyes at me.

Then we hear footsteps. "Go before we get in trouble!" I whisper yell and push him to the window where he quickly jumps down and I sit on my bed with my phone like I was talking to someone.

"Lucy?" My dad calls through the door

"Yeah dad?"

"You ok in there?" He asks and opens the door a bit

"Yeah. Was just on the phone with my friend. Sorry if I was to loud." I reply

"Oh ok. Next time try not to be so loud ok? Good night."

"Night daddy." I reply and he closes the door.

Damn that was close.

I head to the window and look and don't see Natsu anywhere.

Good he left. I think to myself as I climb into bed.
I get into bed and hook up my phone to charge and fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning to music playing from my phone as usual. I groan and stretch in my bed and feel something beside me. I look and see Natsu laying there with a arm draped over me. I cover my mouth so I don't scream from surprise. I take deep breaths and wake him up.

"Natsu! Natsu get up!" I whisper yell and poke him.

"Huh? What?" He groans and opens his eyes. He looks at me and smiles. "Good morning Luce."

"Good morning but you gotta go! Please! I'll see you in a bit for school." I whisper and pull him up.

"Ugh. Fine. See you soon Luce." He grumbles and jumps out of my window.

I breathe a sigh of relief and get ready for school. I have to admit I felt good waking up with Natsu beside me. He kept me warm and I felt very comfortable. But I won't tell him that yet.

I walk out of the house and see Natsu walking up to my house.

"Good morning Natsu." I smile

"Good morning Luce. Sleep well?" He asks while chuckling.

"Actually Yes. I slept very well." I smile and he blushes. "You blush the same color as your hair you know that?" I giggle and he blushes more and turns away.

"Yes I know." He grumbles

"Aww! Your so cute!" I squeal and kiss his cheek.

Quick as a whip he grabs me and leans me over and gets really close to my face.

"Your even cuter." He says in a soft sexy voice and kisses me softly on the lips.

I instantly melt and get lost in the kiss. It took me a minute to come to my senses and push him off.

"Natsu. Your to much!" I shout with a blush on my face.

"Yeah. But you love it." He smirks at me and grabs my hand and laces his fingers in between mine.

I just look at him and smile. "Yeah." I whisper under my breath but I know he herd me because he smiled bigger.

Time skip
We make it through school and he walks me home.

"I'll see you later Luce." He smiles and kisses me

"Later? You mean tomorrow?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. He just smiles and leaves. I shake my head and go to my room.

I do my homework and have dinner then head to bed. My window is still cracked open, I'm curious if he's going to sneak up gain.

Sure enough bout 10pm I hear a noise and hear my window open.

"Natsu?" I whisper

"Yeah." He replies

"Your going to make one hell of a Firefighter with those skills." I giggle as he lays in the bed next to me.

"You think so?" He chuckles and wraps his rms round me

"I know so." I reply and snuggle close

"I'm surprised your not mad or uncomfortable."

"No. Honestly I liked waking up to you this morning. Just be sure to leave before my alarm goes off. I don't want you caught." I tell him and feel myself dozing off.

"Ok Luce. Good night." He says and kisses my cheek

"Good night." I yawn and fall asleep in his warm and loving embrace.

My Virtual Relationship ✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now