Time goes on

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I'm wrapping up this story because I really don't know what else to do with it.

Consider this last page like Lucy's letters to her mom or even diary entries.

Ever since that day at the park we all have been extremely close. Natsu has been by my side every day and I absolutely love it. He sneaks in and cuddles with me every night and amazingly hasn't gotten caught. I love the feeling so much and our relationship is strong as ever.

Levy has gotten really close to Gajeel and I find it adorable. They are in a relationship as well and it's obvious they love each other. Levy loves having Gajeel around and he loves to be around her. I can tell he absolutely loves the fact he can pick her up and carry her around with one arm. I caught him one day carrying her in one arm like a kid and busted up laughing which made her blush and him chuckle.

Gray has found love in one of the new students at school. Juvia. It was love at first sight and they are inseparable. She loves the water and he loves the ice and you know it takes water to make ice!

Erza has found love in the other new student we have at school. Jellal. He looks like a badass with that tattoo on his eye and I admit he's rather attractive but don't tell Erza I said that! She's scary but for some reason it doesn't affect Jellal. I think he's holding a secret that he's just as much of a badass as her but keeps it a secret.

Time skip
Graduation has come and gone and we had a amazing time. Prom was truly magical but not just because of the dance.

All of us in our relationships have moved on and moved out. Me and Natsu got our own place. So did gray and Juvia, Gajeel and Levy and Erza and jellal. We all agreed to rent in the same building so we can still be friends and be close together.

Natsu is training to be a firefighter and to my amazement he's gotten even hotter and already has offers to be in calendars and....other things. Yeah. Not happening Natsu.

I'm going to school to learn astronomy. I'm thinking of working as a astronomer studying the stars but I'm also thinking of being a astronomy teacher. I'm not sure yet.

Gray is a professional ice sculpture and does them for many big celebrations and has really become popular for his work. He's supper busy in the summer with requests.

Juvia is all about the water. She's a scuba instructor, deep sea diver and aquatic expert. If it's water related go to her and she will know!

Erza is a pro in everything that has to do with combat. And so is jellal. Them together is scary and also amazing. They are like two halves of a whole. I guess we all are.

Time skip
All of us have been together now for about 2 years and tonight we went on a group date to a concert. All the boys left us in the crowd but in the front row which we found strange. Then we see them appear on stage with smiles on their face and we all looked at each other shocked and blushed because we all had the same feeling.

All 4 of them called us on stage and all of them at the same rime got on their knees (one knee as you know) and proposed. We all said or should I say screamed yes and rushed them which made the entire crowd cheer happily and very very loudly.

Time skip
We all decided to get married that next summer except for gray and Juvia who got married in spring so gray wouldn't miss the summer ice rush. So their wedding started it off. It was beautiful and themed with white and ice blue and ocean blue. It was a calming experience just being there because blue is a calming color.

Next was me and Natsu. We got married on the first official day of summer. Our wedding was themed pink and red so it was passionate and people loved it. All the girls wore pink and white and all the guys wore red and black. It was a unique wedding which we loved so much.

Next was Levy and Gajeel who kept it simple but also different. They had a lot of black and a dark steel type theme as well as lots of books and fairy tail themed stuff. It was nice and suited them well in my opinion.

Last was Jellal and Erza. Their wedding was themed blue and red obviously and they had a medieval times theme with swords and armor everywhere. It's obvious they love the same things so we didn't question it. Frankly we were all scared to.

I won't discuss the honeymoon because that's really personal but I will say it was a lot of fun. Me and Natsu went to Hawaii and had a blast learning to do the hula which cracked me up seeing Natsu in a grass skirt. I took pictures and will keep them forever and tease him when we are older. He of course had a sense of humor about it but I got mad when I noticed girls checking him out. He liked the attention so I didn't know who to hurt more him or the girls.

Natsu is officially a fire fighter now and a damn good one at that. He's in the running for fire chief already and he hasn't been there that long compared to the other guys. He's also done his calendar pics and I got to be there while they were taken.

The calendars sold like hot cakes because they used Natsu on the cover. He's the official poster boy for the calendars and is invited to do more every year. We ended up setting up a website and offered personalized prints and autographs which took off by storm.

I'll admit I'm jealous knowing it's mostly all girls that want his pictures. But the amusement I receive when we get the occasional request from a guy makes up for it. The look on Natsu's face is absolutely priceless!

Time skip
Here we are years later. All of us have kids and we've all become very successful. We spent today sitting at the park together watching all our kids play and reflecting on the past. We al found it amusing how this all started because of a online chat room and a virtual friendship that became a virtual relationship.

My Virtual Relationship ✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now