Real life love

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Without you I've got no hand to hold.
Without you I feel torn like a sail in a storm.
Without you I'm just a sad song.

Really? Really clock radio?! I wake up to a sad love song. Really? I mentally curse at the clock and switch the station to dubstep. I'm not a big fan but anything is better than hearing that song right now. Don't get me wrong I like the song but it just hits me hard now that I have a crush. It makes me sad.

I brush off the sad feeling and focus on the heavy bass that's now booming from my speakers. I get ready for school and head downstairs.

Oh that's right natsu is walking to school with me! I remember as I walk out of the house and see him walking up.

"Hey Natsu!" I sing

"Hey! Your in a good mood!" He greets me with a big smile.

"Yeah I guess I am. What about you?" I ask as we walk to school.

"Well seeing you so happy made me happy so I guess I'm in a good mood now to!" He chuckles and I lightly slap his shoulder.

"Your a big flirt!" I laugh

"You just now noticed that?" He laughs

"Yes! Remember I never paid attention to you before." I state while folding my arm across my chest

"Aww sorry I forgot you ignored me all these years." He pouts and gives me puppy dog eyes.

"No. No. No puppy dog eyes. I can't stand it." I stop and close my eyes. But he gets right in front of me and taps my shoulder. "No I'm not looking!" I yell

"Please?!" He pleads.


"Ok you leave me no choice." He says and I feel him get right in front of me. I can feel his breath on my face and his nose barely touch mine. My eyes shoot open and I back up and stumble but he catches me.
"Saved you." He whispers as he pulls me up.

I blush and rush on ahead and I hear him laughing and chases me. I decide to run faster and taunt him "catch me if you can!" I yell and laugh which he took as a challenge because he soon was on my tail and tackled me into the grass.

He fell on top of me and got a mouthful of my hair. I can feel him pulling the hair out of his mouth and I laugh. I roll over only to be face to face with him again. I stare into his dark onyx eyes and get lost. I never noticed how handsome he was.

He leans closer and whispers in a sexy voice  "I caught you. What's my prize?"

I tense up and mumble "I'll let you know."

He smiles and gets off of me and holds out his hand to help me up. I suddenly hear whispers and see people staring at us. I start to blush and he notices to. He pulls me close and puts his arm around me and walks me to class.

"Uhh what are you doing?" I ask.

"Being friendly." He says in a "duh" tone

"More like being boyfriendly." I reply

"You want me to be?" He asks

"I-I. Uhhh. Umm. No. No I don't." I stutter

"Then why the hesitation to say no?" He whispers seductively in my ear.

"Quit your flirting!" I yell and storm off feeling extremely flustered.

Time skip
After school I walk home alone. I can't face natsu and his flirtyness right now.

"Hey Lucy wait up!" I hear him yell

Oh great.

I walk slower and he catches up

"Hey why'd you leave me?" He asks with a pout

"Because you embarrassed me! I don't know how to act around you now. Your flirting is getting to my head. I want to get to know you but all you do is flirt. I don't want to fall for your flirtyness I want to fall for YOU!" I yell and run off home before I can cry.

I left natsu standing there with a confused look on his face.

I rush home and up to my room. I put my phone down and crawl into bed. I don't feel like getting online today. I grab my backpack and get my homework done. I finish after about 3 hours and it was time for dinner. After I ate I looked at the time and decided to watch some videos on YouTube.

About 9pm I hear my phone give me the low battery signal and I grab it and look at it. It's 5% and I had a bunch of messages from the group as well as private messages from FireDragonsRule and a few texts from Natsu.

I open the messages from the group first and tell them all that I was busy with homework and private stuff. I message Natsu and tell him I'm ok and don't worry because I'm not mad at him and he apologized for how he acted. Then I message FireDragonsRule.

StarLover: Hey. Sorry I didn't log on earlier I had some stuff going on.

FireDragonsRule: no problem princess. Anything I can help with?

StarLover: no it's ok. I just had to deal with a jerk at school. I'm ok and he apologized.

FireDragonsRule: that's good to hear. I'm glad your ok and he realized what he did wrong.

StarLover: me to. Well good night my dragon. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

FireDragonsRule: Good night princess. Have sweet dreams! <3

After that I log off and go to sleep and dream about a dragon and a princess again.

My Virtual Relationship ✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now