The meetup

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So I've been talking to Natsu and FireDragonsRule for a few weeks now and I can't believe I'm saying this but....I'm falling in love with them! I want to give them both a chance so I decided to allow them both one date. I found out from FireDragonsRule that he lives in the same city and we attend the same high school. That's what made me trust him.

I decided on a open and busy area and for a lunch date. We made it for a Saturday and I'm super nervous. We agreed to wear a shirt that corresponds with out screen names. I'm wearing a galaxy print shirt and he said he will be wearing a shirt with a red dragon on it. I told him not to bring anything but himself and dress casual because this is just a friendly meet up. We agreed to meet at Love and Lucky.

I'm already sitting in the booth watching the door. I got there super early out of nervousness. I watch the door and see a certain pink haired boy enter. I decide to make small talk with him while I wait for FireDragonsRule.

"Hey Natsu!" He sees me and smiles and walks over. As he walks over he stops and freezes.

"What's wrong?" I ask and he points at his shirt. I see he's wearing a shirt with a red dragon on it.

"What?! Your fire dragon?!" I squeal

"And your star lover." He says calmly and sits down

"Well at least we know we can trust each other." He chuckles.

I'm still sitting there in shock. He reaches over and closes my mouth. "Flies." He whispers and I blush.

"Well this makes things easier for me." I say flatly

"What do you mean?" He asks

"Well. I had fallen for both of you and I was having a hard time choosing. Now I don't have to choose!" I say with a smile.

"You fell for me? Really?" He asked with a smile

"Why is that hard to believe?" I ask "didn't you want that?"

"Well yeah but I didn't expect it." He says with a smile. "It's a welcome surprise."

"Still the flirt I see." I giggle

"Still the giggle box I see." He teases and I blush

"Looks like you've been my dragon in disguise as a human all along."

"And you've been my princess hidden amoung the commoners all this time." He teases back

"Wait until the group finds out!" I suddenly laugh out loud.

"Yeah. We should totally take a picture together and send it to them!"

"Good idea. Come on let's go outside where there's more light!" I grab his hand and pull him outside before he can protest.

"But luce! Food!"

"Fine. We won't leave just take a quick pic."

He smiles and poses for the picture and we go back inside and send it to the group while we wait for our food. I send the picture with the caption.

StarLover: I just met up with FireDragonsRule and it turns out we know each other already from school! I actually had a crush on him in real life! Isn't it funny how things turn out?

Natsu gets the notification and reads it and smiles.

FireDragonsRule: it sure is funny. Now this dragon has his princess in real life. <3

"Natsu you big flirt!" I yell and kick his leg gently and he laughs.

I giggle and stare at him. He stares back and looks away then winks at me and smiles. I look away to see our waitress arrive with our food.

She looks at Natsu then at me and whispers. "He's hot. Keep him close." Then smiles and walks away.

I look at Natsu and he's trying his best not to laugh.

"You heard her huh?" I ask and he nods quickly and I bust up laughing and he soon joined in.

It took us a few minutes to stop laughing but when we did we enjoyed our food. We paid, well Natsu paid and we left. He insisted on paying so instead of arguing I just let him. We decided to head to the park. We walked there since it wasn't to far and along the way he intertwined his hand with mine. I blushed and let him hold my hand.

We walked around the park and talked and laughed about everything from our group chat to our private messages to how we never realized we knew each other in real life.

"The group chat?!" I yelled. "I never checked it again."

I took out my phone and saw over 100 messages from group chat. With Natsu looking over my shoulder we realized we knew everyone! They all went to our school! We looked in amazement as they all sent pictures of themselves.

StarLover: Can we all meet up now? We are at magnolia park.

IceKing: on my way!

FireDragonsRule: already here with my princess.

IronDragonsLegacy: I'll be there in 10

SwordsWoman: I'll be there as soon as I can

PrincessofBooks: I'm already here under the tree reading. Come on over guys. Here's my pic.

She sent over a picture and I knew her immediately.
I rush over to the tree with Natsu close behind.

"Levy!" I yell and she looks up

"Hey guys!" She greets us with a smile

"Who would of known we all knew each other huh?" Natsu says with a laugh

"Yeah who knew the schools heart throb was actually a really nice guy!" She says with a wink and Natsu blushes.

Soon after Gray shows up and I have to step in between them to stop the fight. Rivals in school, online and in real life.

Soon later Gajeel shows up and walks over to Levy.
"Hey princess." He says with a smile and Levy blushes.

"Hi Gajeel." She whispers.

"Looks like you two are also doing the princess and the dragon thing huh?" Natsu teases and Levy blushes harder while Gajeel nods his head yes.

Lastly Erza shows up and everyone stands at attention. She was the schools student body president and had authority. Not to mention she has swords skills. How do I know? Natsu challenges her to a stick sword fight and she kicked his butt in 10 seconds flat.

We all had fun talking and laughing until the sun set then we all went home. Natsu walked me home holding my hand the entire time.



"Why have you been holding my hand all this time?"

"Because I want to. And I've been wanting to ask you to be my girlfriend..."

"Aww Natsu. I'd love to." I say while giving him a hug.

He cups my face and kisses me softly on the lips than smiles and takes my hand again and keeps walking to my house. I was half in a daze as he was pulling me. He only realized I was out of it when I tripped and he caught me.

"You ok? You seem out of it." He asks

"Yeah. I am." I say while still out of it

"You are what?"

"Out of it."

Natsu chuckles and pulls me to him gently. He places my arms on his neck and his hands on my waist "maybe this will bring you back." He says sweetly and softly and kisses me again.

This time my eyes grow wide then I relax and melt and kiss him back. We stand there making out for a few minutes before we finally break away for air.

"What were we talking about?" I ask and Natsu laughs out loud.

"How your love struck." He says softly and I blush.

"I should. Uhh. Go inside. Uhh yeah. Bye!" I say and rush off. Natsu just laughs and shakes his head and walks home.

Or so I thought.

My Virtual Relationship ✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now