Online romance

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It's Saturday and I'm online chatting with my friends as always when I get a private message.

FireDragonsRule: Hey Star.

StarLover: Hey Fire. What's up?

FireDragonsRule: Not much. Just thought I'd say hi.

StarLover: Oh ok. Hi!

FireDragonsRule: Lol. Hi.

FireDragonsRule: So Star. Can I ask you some things to get to know you better?

StarLover: uh sure. Depends on what they are.

FireDragonsRule: how old are you?

StarLover: 17

FireDragonsRule: that's cool. I am to. I'll be 18 this summer

StarLover: I'll be 18 next year :/

FireDragonsRule: So does that mean your a senior in high school to?

StarLover: yeah I am. You to?

FireDragonsRule: yep!

StarLover: that's awesome. Your a guy right?

FireDragonsRule: last time I checked. Lol

StarLover: lol. Sorry. Just asking. I'm a girl

FireDragonsRule: I remember. :p

StarLover: you do? Oh! I did ask before! Ugh I feel stupid!

FireDragonsRule: it's ok. We all forget something sometimes.

StarLover: your sweet. :)

FireDragonsRule: I bet your sweeter. ;)

StarLover: your a flirt to! Oh now im in trouble! Lol

FireDragonsRule: What makes you think your in trouble?

StarLover: because some guy on the internet is flirting with me. :p

FireDragonsRule: oh so I'm some guy now? I'm insulted! :(

StarLover: no no. Don't be mad! I'm just teasing. I'm sorry!

FireDragonsRule: apology accepted :)

StarLover: Yay!

FireDragonsRule: lol. Your so cute

StarLover: and how do you know I'm cute?

FireDragonsRule: I just know it. :p

StarLover: that came off as creepy. You stalking me?

FireDragonsRule: lol. No. And sorry. I guess I gotta work on my flirting huh?

StarLover: yeah you do. Don't worry you can practice on me. Lol

FireDragonsRule: Alright. :)

We talked back and forth for hours. Completely forgetting about the group chat. When we finally remembered we returned to a bunch of "where have you been?" And "quit hitting on each other." I blushed at the remarks and excused myself to bed. But I waited for FireDragonsRule's good night message.

My Virtual Relationship ✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now